Please write to the companies listed here and tell them to stop supporting a regime that shoots innocent protestors and uses rape as a weapon of war.
The Burma Campaign report shows that when insurance is withdrawn the regime loses millions of dollars, money they'd normally using on the military.
Please take a moment and write, fax or email the companies listed. There is a sample letter you may wish to use to send to the companies.Please click here to Take Action.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Take action - Stop Insurance companies funding Burma's Generals
Labels: Actions
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Invitation to the 20th Anniversary of 8888
Dear Burmese Patriots and Friends of Burma,
As We are having a special commemoration of 20th Anniversary of 8888 uprising, we would like to invite
you to following events. Please show your solidarity by attending the commemoration on 08 Aug 2008.
Program Details:
(1) Special Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of 8888 Nation-wide Democracy Uprising
Date: 08.08.2008
Time: 11:00 to 12:30
Place: Jubilee garden (TO BE CONFIRMED)
Direction: Click here for Map and direction
Activities: - Activation of 8888 Monument
- 5 Miniutes Wonder for Burma
2) Demonstration in front of Murderers' Embassy
Date: 08.08.2008
Time: 13:00 to 14:00
Place: Murderers' Embassy
19 A, Charles Street
Direction: Click here for Map
Activities: Just demonstration
(3) Exhibitions on Political Prisoners in Burma
Date: 08.08.2008
Time: 18:00 to 22:00
Place: SOAS University,
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG
Tel: +44 (0)20 7637 2388
Direction: Click here for map
Activities: - Photo Exhibition
- Sale of Souvenir
For attending demonstration, we recommend to wear t-shirt about Burma. If you don't have it,
we can provide you one on the day. But, please be advised to make a few donation. But we
only have a few number of T-shirt. Therefore, if you want one, please send your advanced order
to enclosing your name and your number.
For More Info - Tel: 07762094562, Email:
Labels: Actions
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Tolerate Or Fight ?
“သည္းခံပါ၊ေရာင္႔ရင္းတင္းတိမ္ပါ၊သစၥာရွိပါ၊နာခံပါ၊ရုိေသေလးစားပါ၊စိတ္ရွည္ပါ၊ေမတၱာေစတနာအရာတြင္စိတ္၀မ္းကြဲမႈကုိ ေရွာင္ရွားပါ။ ယင္းမွာ ၿမန္မာၿပည္သူေတြ၏ ရုိးရာထုံးတမ္းစဥ္လာ အက်င္႔ေကာင္း တခုၿဖစ္သည္။
"Tolerance, loyalty, obedience, respect, patience, love, generosity, avoidance of confrontation - all of these are known as typical attitudes exemplified by the people of Burma, which springs from their culture and traditions."
ဒီအက်င္႔ေကာင္းသည္ စစ္အဏာရွင္ေတြ၏ အႏုိင္က်င္႔မူ႔ကုိ ၾကာရွည္ ခံစားရေအာင္ အားေပးေနသည္႔ အဓိကအခ်က္ၿဖစ္သည္။ ဒီအခ်က္သည္ ပင္လွ်င္ တုိင္းၿပည္ဖြံ႔ ၿဖိဳးတုိးတက္ေစမႈ၊ လူေနမႈအဆင္႔အတန္း ၿမင္႔မားေစမူကုိ သိပ္ၿပီး ေႏွာင္႔ေႏွး သြားေအာင္ၿပဳလုပ္ေနေပသည္။
"Sadly, these good attitudes are the ones that have been delaying the country’s progress in development and economy. All have been perceived and exploited as weaknesses by the governing military junta, and has enabled and prolonged their rule."
ကြ်န္ေတာ္သည္ အခက္အခဲဒုကၡ သုကၡ အမ်ိဳးမ်ိဳးကုိ ရဲရဲ၀င္႔၀င္႔ ခံႏုိင္စြမ္းရွိသည္႔ ၿမန္မာလူမ်ဳိးအားလုံးကုိေလးစားပါသည္။ သုိ႔ေသာ္ ခံႏုိင္စြမ္းရွိသည္႔သတၱိႏွင္႔မလုံေလာက္ပါ။ မတရားမႈကုိ တုိက္ယူႏုိင္စြမ္းရွိမွသာ စံနစ္ဆုိးေအာက္မွလြတ္ေၿမာက္ႏုိင္ေပလိမ္႔မည္။ တုိင္းၿပည္ဖြံ႔ ၿဖိဳးတုိးတက္ေစမည္။”
"I have deepest respect for all the people of Burma, who continue to show tremendous courage in facing and overcoming incredible difficulties and suffering simply to survive. However, just by standing there bravely, bending your heads down to tolerate and accept whatever the bullies are doing to you, would not stop them. Tolerance is seen as submissiveness and only encourages contempt by the government and will only cause continued abuse."
"There is only one way to escape from under the systematic military terrorists occupation and to regain and develop our nation - We must all fight. "
(The above is a quotation by famous Burmese author U Mya Than Tint, which was posted in Golden Colour Revolution. Please note that it is my own personal interpretation and not the accurate translation. Golddie Shwe)
Original Source : Golden Colour Revolution
Labels: Discussion