Miss Aye Mying Myat, the 19 year old Rangoon University Law Student, whose family was desperately trying to find out her whereabouts, was at last released from one of junta's security units on 27th November, after being arrested at home on 10th October. It is understood that there are four other girls still being kept in jail. To read the report by May Pyone Aung (RFA) please click here.
Friday, 30 November 2007
Senior Junta Thug Took Express To Hell
Maung Maung, junta's senior security control official (Swan Arr Shin - Power Ranger) seemed to have been sent to helll by an express. To read the report by DVB's Naw Say Phaw please click here.
Labels: Robbers and Thieves
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Junta's Thugs
Gliding slowly high in the sky,
Only fed when someone dies,
They must be praying just like vultures,
There should be battle field grounds,
All over.
Feelingless assassins,
Only get paid when someone's life is in ruin,
Washing feet with other's blood,
That's the only way,
To fill their guts.
Ignorant of Buddha's teaching,
Haven't got a clue even written as big as mountains
Cannibals with the arrogance,
Lowest of the low,
SPDC's servants.
Calling themselves power rangers,
But when it comes to others' development, they are strangers,
Their only knowledge is egoism,
Their heads full of excretion.
Being dead morally,
Their rotten names already smelly,
Having equipped with guns and knives,
Beating everything, that seems alive.
Be it a monk, be it a child,
Be it a pregnant woman, OR
Be it a foreigner who comes from miles,
Blood thirsty servants of evil,
All they want is a big smile from the devil.
Idle, lazy and indolent,
Their ambition is still to be influent,
After faliure in every honest and hardworking career,
The quick solution was to join the junta.
Easy life, easy killing,
Just for two dollars, will do anything,
Informing, signalling or grabbing a civilian by all four
Nevermind the Human Rights Laws,
Never even heard of human dignity or respect,
And never have wanted to know.
The shame of the nation, the dishonour of the race,
Carried out infront of the cameras, on the global stage,
This is Burma, where it's formerly known,
As the land of pagodas and the land of grace,
Where the Buddhism shone.
Obnoxious hyenas guarding the monastery,
Fending off everyone who seeks eternity,
This is now the porn movies area,
Where junta thugs smoke, play cards and down beer.
Infectious, contagious and deadly,
If this epidemic disease is not cured immediately,
The chronically troubled nation, already unable to stand,
Will soon become a deserted,
Barren land.
We must rebuild this shattered monument of moral righteousness,
By revolution, solidarity, determination and contumaciousness,
The junta is bagatelle, puny, boneless and impotent,
Without their hired repungent ruffian servants,
So let us hunt down those thugs until they disappear,
To break the backbones of
Junta's infrastructure.
My gratitude and respect to Ma Thadar who kindly allowed me to translate/interpret her original poem 'Go To Hell ...You Junta's Thugs' . Nay Chi U
Labels: Robbers and Thieves
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Believe What The Junta Say ? You Must Be A Fool
The UN must now learn that 'This is what you get if you try softly softly aproach to junta - schizophrenic murderers.' Please read on.
16/041/2007 (Public)
News Service No: 229
27 November 2007
Myanmar: arrests continue two months on
Amnesty International condemns the new arrests of political activists inside Myanmar, despite the commitment by Prime Minister Thein Sein to the UN Special Representative Ibrahim Gambari in early November that no more arrests would be carried out.
Two months after the violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrators, arbitrary arrests continue unabated as part of the Myanmmar government’s systematic suppression of freedom of expression and association, contrary to its claims of a return to normalcy," said Catherine Baber, Amnesty International's Asia-Pacific Programme Director.
"Normalcy for the military government may mean a return to systematic and widespread human rights violations away from media attention, but the international community must no longer tolerate this situation," added Catherine Baber.
Amnesty International confirms that the following arrests have occurred since early November:
On 4 November, U Gambira, head of the All-Burma Monks Alliance and a leader of the September protests, was arrested and reportedly charged with treason. Two of his family members previously detained as 'hostages' in an attempt to force him out of hiding, have been kept in detention;
On 13 November, the government arrested Su Su Nway, a member of the youth wing of the main opposition National League for Democracy party. Fellow youth activist Bo Bo Win Hlaing was arrested along with her while putting up anti-government posters;
On 14 November, at least three people were arrested in Yangon for passing out anti-government pamphlets;
On 15 November, authorities raided a monastery in western Rakhine State, and arrested monk U Than Rama, wanted for his involvement in the September protests. He was reportedly beaten during the raid and his whereabouts remain unknown.
On 20 November, Myint Naing, a senior member of the National League for Democracy was detained;
On 20 November, ethnic Arakanese leader U Tin Ohn was detained and his whereabouts remain unknown;
On 20 and 21 November, other ethnic leaders, including Arakanese Cin Sian Thang and U Aye Thar Aung, Naing Ngwe Thein from the Mon National Democracy Front, and Kachin political leader U Hkun Htoo were rounded up but released after questioning;
On 26 November, Aung Zaw Oo, a member of the Human Rights Defenders and Promoters group, was arrested in Yangon, likely on account of his involvement in planning events for International Human Rights Day on 10 December.
Amnesty International is deeply disappointed by the fact that these arrests are still taking place despite the government's promises to the contrary. Just last week, the Myanmar government was attending ASEAN's 40th Anniversary Summit, where it signed the organization's new Charter committing it to the "promotion and protection of human rights".
To date, up to 700 people arrested during and since the September protests remain behind bars, while 1,150 political prisoners held prior to the protests have not been released.
Amnesty International is urgently calling on the government of Myanmar to release all those detained or imprisoned merely for the peaceful exercises of their right to freedom of expression, assembly and association, including both long-term and recent prisoners of conscience, and to stop making further arrests. For original press release please click here.
Labels: Heroes
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Just Arrest All Of Us - The Campaigner Challenges Junta
The HRDP network leader U Myint Aye challenged Junta to arrest all of his members as one of his men, Aung Zaw Oo of Bogalay, Irrawady state was taken away to an unknown destination from a teashop in downtown Rangoon.
'Being arrested in Burma means you just disappeared into thin air. The families will not get the permission to visit you. Most people would not get a chance to get the lawyers. Nobody knows how long the arrested person will have to stay in custody. Nobody even knows where that arrested person is. When the authority arrests someone, without telling on which ground or which criminal act, they are breaking the basic human rights.'
To view DVB Naw Say Paw's report please click here. and here.
Labels: Heroes
Three Year Old Girl Fainted As Father Was Attacked By Junta's Thugs
(Moe Aye, DVB 26h October)
A young daughter, who was 3 , fainted as she witnessed her father being attacked by a group of 30 knives and batons holding Junta's thugs officials. She was rushed into a nearby house for treatment as she saw her father Ko Than Naing was being surrounded and beaten by Kyant Poot security officials - criminals employed by Junta to control public movements.
For full report please click here.
Labels: Cowards, Robbers and Thieves
I Have No Shame, Only Pride Said Mother Of Leading Monk
(Naw Sei Paw, DVB)
Daw Yay (Yei) , the mother of the leading monk U Gambiya who was arrested on 4th Novermber, said she can only feel proud of her noble son and his colleagues' act - protesting for freedom. 'They are not doing it for themselves, nor their families. They are doing it for others. Being monks, all they ever need is an urn but nothing else. I am just a proud mother of a son, who is willing to give life for the benefit of ohers.'
(An urn is a black round lacquerware bowl, monks hold to go around to accept offering of food.)
For fully translated report in Baydah's blog please click here.
To read the article What Burma's Junta Must Fear By U Gambira please click here.
Labels: Heroes
Oh The Great Wall Of Insein Prison
At last I have arrived at the gate of Insein Prison,
Because I was told that my son could be here,
With the biggest hope I had in the world,
Just to see my son's face, however,
I wasn't allowed.
Oh, the Great Wall of Insein Prison !
Standing strongly cold hard and tall,
Do you realise that you are separating the mother from her son?
I beg you for I have come from a long long way,
Please could I see my dear little son?
Even if it is only for one short second.
Oh the Great Wall of Insein Prison.
Please stop ignoring me,
As if you've forgotten that I am here,
How I wish that I was someone called 'David Copperfield',
I heard he could make trains and lorries vanished,
Perhaps I can then make you disappeared.
Oh the Great Wall of Insein Prison !
How I wish that I was the Superman too
with all that super power and speed
I could just glide over you
Just for a little reassurance of seeing my son
Oh the Great Wall of Insein Prison !
I also wish that I could have help from the Lord Sakka
who would not only make sure that I see my son
but also assist all of them to escape from this notorious hell
Oh the Great Wall of Insein Prison !
In real life, I can only cry,
For I am not David Copperfield, Superman nor Lord Sakka,
I just cry and cry and cry,
For I would like to see my dear little son,
Oh the Great Wall of Insein Prison !
I have come from a long long way,
Just to have a chance to see my son's face,
And now I will have to go home, without being given any chance,
I must go now but please do remember,
I will come here again soon,
And this time, perhaps you could let me see my beloved son,
Oh the Great Wall of Insein Prison !
(The original poem was written by Daw Yay, the mother of U Gumbira, the noble monk, who led the monks protest in September and subsequently arrested on 4th November 2007. Nay Chi U, our contributor interpreted it with the best intention)
To read full story and the original poem in DVB site please click here.
To look at Google image Insien Prison click here
To read about world's notorious Insein Prison - the torture chamber click here
Labels: Heroes
Monday, 26 November 2007
The Doctor From Burma Won 2007 Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award
By Flora Wang
Tuesday, Nov 20, 2007, Page 2 :HERO
The Taiwan Foundation for Democracy announced yesterday that its 2007 Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award will go to Cynthia Maung, founder of the Mae Tao Clinic located close to the Thai-Burmese border, for her long-term dedication to helping Burmese refugees.
The foundation will invite Cynthia Maung to visit Taiwan on Dec. 13 to receive the prize and a grant of US$100,000 to support her relief work for Burmese refugees . Full report.
Labels: Heroes
Where Is U Than Rama - The Arrested Monk ?
Narinjara News (NN)
A police force in Sittwe raided a monastery and arrested a monk on 15 November, but no information is available regarding the whereabouts of the monk after his arrest.
U Than Rama, aged 30, was wanted by the authority for his involvement in the recent monk-led demonstrations in Sittwe.
A force of about 30 armed police raided Tayzar Rama Kaman Htan monastery on the outskirts of Sittwe at 4:30 pm on 15 November.
During the arrest, police severely beat and kicked U Than Rama and took him away to an undisclosed location.
Labels: Heroes
UN's Gambari Is Stupid; BBC, VOA, RFA And DVB Are Liars ; USA Is Destroying Burma - Said Junta's Minister
Original source - Narinjara News
Burmese Home Minister General Maung Oo strongly criticized UN envoy Ibrahim Gambari and his recent visit to Burma during a meeting that was held Saturday in the western Burmese border town of Maungdaw.
Labels: Cowards
Heavily Pregnant Wife Of Jailed NLD Member Questioned For Seven Hours Without Food Offer
(Moe Aye, DVB)
Miss Thair Thair , who was seven months pregnant was taken to the police office in Miak Htee Lar, near Mandalay and kept there for questioning from 11am until 6 pm, during which time she was not offered any food. Her husband U Thi Ha, member of National League For Democracy Party was sentenced to serve 22 years in prison on 17th October 2007 for distributing letters and by doing so destroying the country. (junta's law - section of an Act 505 B - a life sentence). For full report please click here.
Labels: Heroes
Fifteen Missing Monks From Ngwe Kyar Yan Monastery
(Moe Aye, DVB)
Seven out of at lest fifteen missing monks from Ngwe Kyar Yan Monastery has been listed as ;
U Agga
U Gaw Thita
U Zar Nay Ya
U Nan Da
U Za Ti La
U Wi Lar Tha and
U Ei Thar Ri Ya.
It is understood that there are about 20 monks in Insein Prison. When the members of the monks' families tried to visit them at Insein Prison Special Unit, they were all rejected by the door as they did not have census (IDs) with them.
Ngwe Kyar Yan was one of the monasteries that raided and attacked most brutally by junta during September.
Here are some of the eyewitness accounts of what happened on Thursday 27 September from BBC news.
[I live near the Ngwe Kyar Yan monastery in south Okkalapa. They came to the monastery last night. Only 20 monks escaped out of 200. One monk from this monastery passed away at the demonstration yesterday. The soldiers came at the middle of the night and beat up the monks. The head monk and the other 19 escaped. They beat the monks and loaded them onto a truck like animals. We could hear gunshots, screams and shouting. Soldiers shouted that they are not just going to shoot in the air, but also on people. Anonymous eyewitness, Rangoon]
[At a monastery at midnight) The soldiers ran up to the first floor of the monastery and grabbed the head monk by the neck and dragged him downstairs. They beat up the other monks with batons and sticks. They kicked the sleeping novices to wake them up and ask them if any monks are hiding. The novices are shaking with fear. It is as if they are raiding a rebel camp. Anonymous eyewitness, Rangoon]
Labels: Heroes
Sunday, 25 November 2007
The True Sons Of Lord Buddha - A Letter From Naychiu
To Your Highness Noble Monks
You have shocked the world by standing up for the poor public. You had 2 choices : Carry on as life is normal in Burma, ignore the poor people, say yes to whatever junta ask and accept all the goodies they offer OR stand up for the public to prove the world that junta is terrorising the country. You chose the latter, knowing the penalty will be death, torture and imprisonment. You are true Buddha's sons. You gave up your lives for the better lives of others. We and the whole world have highest respect for your love of human beings and the incredible courage. The courage that no other society has ever seen before. Buddha and any other respectible Gods would have given you the highest possible ranking order, in live or in death, with or without passing any exam.
Your Respectful Pupil
Nay Chi U
[Monk group calls for exam boycott Nov 23, 2007 (DVB)�The Representative Monks Association has called on student monks not to participate in their annual examinations, in a statement issued yesterday.]
Labels: Heroes
Where Is Miss Aye Myint Myat, The Arrested University Student ?
(Naw Sei Paw, DVB)
After being arrested for protesting in September, Miss Aye Myint Myat 19, from San Chaung, Rangoon who studies law in Rangoon University is now lost, despite the authority from the notorious Insein Prison claiming she was released on 18th October. Her worried family contacted DVB for interview. She was taken away from home on 11th October night and since then family members were trying to find out where she was but they were made to chase from Hlaing, Insein, Kyaikasan and then to Insein prison again. Although the officials accepted parcels intended for Miss Aye Myint Myat, the family was never allowed to see her. Eventually when a family member arrived back to Insein prison and asked for the permission to see her, she was issued a copy of a list of released prisoners with Miss Myat's name on it. The distressed family member then took that copy to San Chaung police office, only to be told that they don't deal with the political prisoners.
Labels: Heroes
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Women And Nuns Facing Sexual And Other Violence In Prisons
Attention drawn to Burma's women leaders
Mizzima News (www.mizzima.com)
"We are particularly concerned that the women, including nuns, recently detained are facing gender and sexual violence in addition to the other deprivations and unacceptable conditions in the prisons," says WLB spokesperson Paw Hset Hser. For full report click here.
Labels: Heroes
Children's Rights Violated in Burma
By VOA News
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says Burmese children are being recruited to fight armed conflicts despite agreements to protect children's rights. More ...
Labels: Cowards
Friday, 23 November 2007
Two Child Soldiers Flee From Battalion
Written by Webmaster , Kaladan Press Network
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Two Burmese child soldiers fled from their battalion No. 564 of Buthidaung Township in Arakan State on November 12, according to sources close to the army.
The child soldiers are Hla Moe (17) from Sittwe and Zaya Aung (17) from Burma. Hla Moe is a Rakhine and Zaya Aung is a Burman. They were forcibly recruited by the army three years ago, he added. More.
Labels: Heroes
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Junta Turns Holy Monasteries Into Porn Houses
British and Japanse never did such thing during their invasion of Burma because they were told to respect the locals' culture, tradition and religion. (Japanese soldiers were known to raid pagodas for cash and other donated jewelleries.) However, the Junta of Burma are behaving in a way that the Devil himself has to blush. After arresting, torturing and killing all the monks, the junta smiply occupy the moasteries and kept their servants to guard them. And guarding they do while watching porn movies and drinking alcohol in the monasteries - where people regularly offer food, worship and meditate with the Holy monks. There were also reports that prostitutes were called in to entertain the junta's thugs ; Win Naing, Thaung Tin, Khin Maung Latt and Kyaw Tun, all from North Okalapa. The Monastery they occupy since the monk cleansing in September is Thisa Tharapu Study House, situated in Aatha Watti Monastery Estate in North Okalapa Township, Rangoon.
(Original Source - DVB News)
Labels: Cowards, Robbers and Thieves
Selfless Social Worker Missed Funeral Of Beloved Father
Miss Hpu Hpu Thin, NLD Party member, who works in the HIV/AIDS Sufferers Support Section, who is known as 'Mother' to the sufferers could not attend the funeral of her beloved father U Hla Tun on 20th November because she has been in hiding. Her crime? Praying for the freedom of the leader Daw Aung San Su Kyi! Please Click here for full report. Please click here for Hpu Hpu Thin's photo.
Labels: Heroes
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Child Soldier 14 Unable To Leave Junta's Army
Nov 20, 2007 (DVB)–Burmese military officials have refused to let a 14 year old boy from South Dagon township leave the army, despite his parents providing proof that he is underage. For full report click here.
Labels: Cowards
Te Za Grabs Phakant Jade Mines Behind Junta's Back
November 20, 2007
Te Za, President and Managing Director of Htoo Trading Company has grabbed control of almost all Phakant jade mining areas in Kachin State in Northern Burma, according to jade mine. For full report click here.
Labels: Sycophants
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Junta Killing Their Own Soldiers To Obliterate Evidence
Junta “eliminating” soldiers who fired on monks
The generals are trying to get rid of evidence and witnesses to the late September repression should they be called to account some time in the future. Meanwhile arrests continue as do pro-government demonstrations organised by the military regime. Some ethnic Burmese are dressed up in ethnic minorities clothing to show minorities’ support for the government against the West. ASEAN only expresses support for UN initiative, refuses to implement sanctions against the junta.
For full report click here.
Labels: Cowards
Friday, 16 November 2007
A Letter From Burma - What Goes On In The Country
(Original - Ko Htike's Blog)
m said...
This is for Su Su Nway that what she is doing is right and very brave.I'm proud of her that we got such a bravest woman on earth.
Dear Ko Htike
Thanks for your blog. It is so importance that I would like to suggest that all the bloggers need to put one Notice Board column. There are many cases to come on reporting that whole world to see who is doing what to whom, how the laws are bending for the Army to control forever. The peoples are scar but free blogger Notice Board Column they can just post it and all will know how Army operate in our country. Why they can control the country. Because if you start open your mouth you will go down to the drain. Secondly why the more people dose not move strongly and openly. May be there is shameful blackmailing from intelligence. Many peoples there are shameful for their family to move on. During more than decades of ruling since from 1990 there is open sex all over in Burma. Women can enjoys it and men enjoy it. Nightclubs, Massage clubs, fashion show cheap hotel rooms like Bangkok. Burmese peoples did not prepare for that, it is so opened up that people though there is haven in Burma and many foreigners also enjoying it. Vacant hotel rooms are free for Army officers. No I.D check. Women can move around with army officers, model boys are available almost all the time and Army quarter is no need to report & safe from midnight checking and nobody know. But difference is there is video camera all over the places and people caught up off guard and Army is using it. So much sins and mountains of videotapes in army head quarter. ( Monks can be powerful, they has no sins). Who ever against now is as we can say really saint peoples They and their family didn’t commit any sins so they can move on but many people caught up. Not themselves but their family members. They want to say the whole world but they cannot. That is how all the powerful division commanders are go down quietly. Thirdly there is cracked rules that no body notice that looks good to the peoples but at the end result that is so bad that the people got to live in fear. Example if there is any car accidents you’ll get in jail for the drivers even they are right sentence depend on the case. The poor Burmese happily think that it is good & safe for them and happy with government new law but long run people realise something is stinks in that law but no body can put figure on it. The first case came on around 1993 the Gen. Kyaw Win son got accident and got to the jail after son went to the Australia. After no Army officers or family members has been caught up. New law is simple it came from U Aung Toe that to make “WITH OUT CAR” famous in Burma. Actually that car dose has Legal Wheel Tax, Car licence, Gas Permit Book all the documents legally but except in “KA NGYA NA” Motors Registration Department most of the Burmese dose not bother to check it up there. Of course the traffic polices know all the cars moving in city & in whole Burma that is why they salute to the cars if the woman of army officers are driven or army officers are driven which is not army registration number. If you just quietly pay money and checked up from Motor Registration Department and also after some time shadow people want to know who is asking. But any accident happen the traffic police got to find a legal prove that the car register by whom without that there is no arrest cannot take any legal action because there is no legal registration.That is the cars all army officer and their family and intelligence are using without the people notice it in 15 years. Any accident happen they drive away and walk free, car disappear and repainted and reused in somewhere. All the traffic polices are known who is driven by what car and help is on the way. If Army only using it then people will notice it. So they sold to the people with cheap and greedy peoples with their connection are buy and using it and they got hooked up with sins, some parent got idea that their beloved kids to get safe so they also using it quitly and got sins plus breaking the law that can also put in jail for 2 years too, so every body is bedding with the Army & just wake up in 2006 and found they are sleeping with monster. Also some issued to so called “ WA CARS”. But “WA” also at last found that they are bedding with the monster so run very fast back to their places. IN Rangoon car markets are control by the Ball Ball Gyi Than Shwe sons and group. Almost 50% of the jailers are coming from car accidents cases. I guess 20% are poor car drivers without fair trail. And 25% are framed to the opposition and who ever open their mouth. It is easy that if Army want my ass then wait up to I drive and some one came on the way and kick my car very hard and just went away. I please him for just clear things out and I can move on but next day police arrest me and put me in the jail for 6 months because I hit and drive away the guy was broken bone that doctor broke it over somewhere. The law said that dose accidents happen and if hit and run away there is no excuse and witness are already there that I can not legally fight against it and losing vast amount of money but at the end I’ll end up in the jail. Poor and not own the cars may look better life but also there is unseen rule that make the poor people also suffered too. It is the monster in Burma start rising up and need whole world to work together to put down fast or the whole world will face the new monster that never hear in the history. I noticed that in 2005 but did not know what to do without prove. Burmese peoples slowly come to their sense but damage already done. Army are clearing up their “WITH OUT CAR” mess very fast and almost all are gone but a lots of unsolved death cases road hit and run cases are remain all over in Burma. All countries need to know too. All countries can not take action unless they know what is going on over the law in Burma. Only just guessing out unless people to report it at the first sign so whole world can caught up to the army with their pant down & prevent the monster to rising up. This is the tip of the iceberg.
If there is Free Notice Board in the bloggers the peoples will start putting what they know without names. If I post some things bad about the army thief officers nobody come after me. There may be use against to the people from army but that is already in their reserve record files so dose not matter because sooner or latter they will use it against to the people, but for the blogger there is safe haven for the peoples who cannot say due to many reasons. Like early 1989 there is any army officers wrong doing and if report coming print it with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi signatures and distribute it. If any arrest come the police got to ask the Aunty Suu party and Aunty Suu bravely say if that report is not true can take action against to her so after that the army officers quietly gone. But I guess he is recruit back as the shadow army killers who will kill the people & NLD whenever he get chance. All the recruiters are same that they are guilty but put in the shadow army who is killing now. Army is scar and removed their officer from the post very fast if there is open secret become wide open. But recruit back to the shadow army. Army always need killers because long run they need to put down the up rising again. Honest army officers will not do killing to the people and got no promotion too. That is why all the bloggers need to put Special Notice Board for the peoples that can post any things without endanger their life immediately and also become trust to the free bloggers.
It is same like official complaints but without names. This is suggestion only. There already got free blogger but like me no time to check and did not know where to look for.
For the Burmese people there is rule Number one that there is “No Name”
Because Burmese Army government is using only one rule that is “There is No
15 November 2007 11:21
Labels: Heroes
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
The Discovery of Monks Killers
(Original source - Ko Htike's blog)
It was reported that the slaughter of the peacefully protesting monks in September was closely organised and directed by Lieutenant Colonel Khin Zaw, a battalion commander of (ka la ya) (ka), division 66, Min Hla town in Pegu' State. Khin Zaw also lead the raiding, arresting, torturing and killing of the monks of Ngwe Kyar Yan Monastery, south Okkalapa.
It was also reported that the division 66 was one of Gen Thura Shweman's troops. To view the original report click here.
To read eye witness accounts from inside burma in September please click here.
To read reports about Gen Thura Shwe Mann click here. and here.
Labels: Cowards
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Offering Refreshments To Monks Is Against The Law
U Win Kyaw from Calay, Sagaing Division was arrested and charged for offering refreshments to parading monks in procession, who were saying prayers for restoration of love and peace in the country. According to the junta's officials he had committed a crime - Acting disrespectfully against the State. He has been remanded in custody in Calay Prison. He was arrested on 25th September, being prosecuted at local court on 29th with section of an Act 505/B. There will be another hearing of the case on 25th December. Also arrested together with U Win Kyaw are U Myint Thein and U Ba Win, both members of the NLD (National League for Democracy Party , led by Daw Aung San Su Kyi). They have been allowed to receive parcels but not visitors said the worried family members and colleagues. (DVB news)
Labels: Heroes
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Martyr U Maung Ko
On 9th October, 1990, U Maung Ko, leader of Human Resources department, NLD party, Tenassarym State and also a General Secretary of Seaport Workers' Union, died after being tortured to dead at Ye Kyi Aing torture hell camp for 17 days. He was 54. His body was sent to Rangoon General Hospital where the heart broken family had a chance to see it. 'There was an enormous dent on his forehead. The neck was full of scars and one leg was just a broken pieces,' said a friend who attended the funeral.
Saw Maung, the junta official issued a statement saying, ' We never do such thing as torturing , to arrested people. The dead man just admitted all their acts and plans, and then committed suicide by hanging himself with a blanket. It was nothing to do with us.'
An intelligent man, U Maung Ko served as a Manager for Seaport Coperation until 1986, during which time he won many scholarship trainings to UK, Norway, Germany and Sweden. After witnessing how other democratic countries developed successfully, he was determined to bring the democracy to Burma, his beloved mother country, even if it was going to cost him his life. Please see here for his photo and full report.
Labels: Heroes
Friday, 9 November 2007
Junta Finds Itself In A Hellhole
AI Index: ASA 16/038/2007 (Public)
News Service No: 218
9 November 2007
Myanmar: New evidence of mass detentions, hostage taking, deaths in custody and disappearances. Click here for full report.
Labels: Cowards
Thursday, 8 November 2007
An Engineer from Califonia, USA
Nyan Htet Win, Grand son of General Myo Nyunt
- responsible for killing of thousands of people in Rangoon in 1988 as Yangon division commander.
Labels: Beneficiaries
Muslim Heroes
Myot Thant, Nyi Nyi Zaw, Myo Win, Naing Min, Htun Htun Naing, Kyaw Kyaw Satt, Htun Myint Aung, Han Zaw Min Aung and Thaung Htut are Muslims from the Rangoon townships of Pebedan, Tamwe, Mingalar Taung Nyunt and Bahan.
Click here for full report.
Labels: Heroes
Burma’s Ugly Children
By Sandra Carney
As millions of Burmese citizens languish in poverty, the sons of one of Burma’s richest businessmen are living it up in Singapore – enjoying the good life off of their father’s questionably-attained riches. However, as FSM Contributing Editor Sandra Carney reports, the good times may soon come to an end. For full report click here.
Labels: Beneficiaries, Sycophants
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Sanctions hit Burmese junta’s meal ticket
Edward Loxton on how targeted US sanctions will give Burma’s elite a headache. Click here for full report.
Labels: Cowards
An open letter to Tycoon U Tay Za
( Myanmar tycoon blacklisted by US attacks sanctions. Click here for full report. )
Dear U Tay Za
I totally agree with you that the wrongful sanctions will hurt working people of Burma. What those working people need is a good sorting out of the rooted problems of political and economical situations in the country. If you just read this article only, then you will know what those problems are that causing all this trouble in Burma and unless those problems are sorted out, the country will sink deeper still as the majority of people live in poverty. The worst nightmare for everyone from Burma is that one in three children are chronically undernourished in Burma. How did we let them down? Unlike some countries in Africa, Burma supposed to be full of natural resources and fertile soil. Where are they all gone? Who is responsible for those starving children? Is there any person with rightful mind, who can still be happy and enjoy good life, after seeing those starving images ? Is there anyone who sleeps well when you know that Burma has the worst human right records in the world? Dear U Tay Za, if you are talking about Burma as if you know exactally how to handle it, then just do it and be a true hero by saving our sick and hungry children.
Daw Nay Chi U
Labels: Sycophants
Monday, 5 November 2007
Burma's Faceless Leaders
The rulers of the world's pariah states are usually recognizable personalities. Kim Jong Il with his electrified hairdo, Muammar Gaddafi with his aviator sunglasses, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with his penchant for windbreakers. But Burma? No one dictator comes to mind, only a coterie of faceless generals — 12, to be exact. Last week, in the junta's latest wave of repression, soldiers fired on thousands of peaceful protesters who had dared challenge its iron-fisted rule. But the question remains: Who exactly controls Burma, one of the world's most isolated regimes? For full report click here.
Labels: Cowards
The Rapists of Burma
China sells arms to the Burmese military and buys natural gas. Thailand pays the military dictators $2.8 billion a year for natural gas. Singapore maintains what one expert calls "an intimate engagement with the regime" and remains the favored shopping destination for the dictators and their families. Malaysia's state-owned oil company pumps natural gas for the junta. So does Chevron, the American company. For full report click here.
Labels: Robbers and Thieves, Sycophants
Sunday, 4 November 2007
What Burma's Junta Must Fear
By U Gambira
Sunday, November 4, 2007; Page B07
In August, the Burmese people began to write a new chapter in their determination to find peace and freedom. Burmese monks peacefully protested to bring change to our long-suffering country. As we marched, hundreds of thousands of Burmese and our ethnic cousins joined us to reinforce our collective demand: that military rule finally give way to the people's desire for democracy. For full report click here.
Labels: Cowards
Friday, 2 November 2007
Genocide Trial for Rwanda Prefect
By Robert Walker
BBC News
Some 800,000 mainly Tutsis were killed in the genocide in 1994
The trial of a former Rwandan official accused of being a main perpetrator of the genocide has begun at the UN war crimes tribunal in Tanzania. THE GENERALS IN BURMA KNOW THAT IT IS THEIR TURN NEXT. Full report here.
Labels: Cowards
Thursday, 1 November 2007
More Generals And Their Families
In Burma, the Generals and their Families run the successful businesses. The rest of the population is expected to work for them and be content with what is given. Click here for full report.
Labels: Cowards
Junta's Worst Habbit - Fear
After killing, raping and torturing thousands of peacefully protesting monks and people, the terrorist junta has secretly issued warnings to their families, friends and servants about the security home and abroad. The warning stated that the junta will not take responsibility of the security of those people except for the area in new capital - Nay Pyi Daw or the City of Dead. Click here for full report.
Labels: Cowards
More Cowardly Thieves From Pegu'
Hla Moe Aung - Junta's slave
Police Chief Khin Yee - also Junta's slave . Click here for full report.
Labels: Robbers and Thieves