Burma's Ruling Junta And Their Families Who Are Responsible For The Country's Situation
State Peace and Development Council
1 Kyaw Win, Lt-Gen, Chief of Bureau ofSpecial Operations 2 (Kayah State) - DOB. 3.1.1944
2 San San Yee a.k.a SAN SAN YI, Wife of Kyaw Win
3 Nyi Nyi Aung, Son of Kyaw Win
4 San Thida Win, Wife of Nyi Nyi Aung
5 Min Nay Kyaw Win, Son of Kyaw Win
6 San Sabai Win Daughter of Kyaw Win
7 Dr Phone Myint Htun, Husband of San Sabai Win
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Kyaw Win And Family
Labels: Actions Reports
Shwe Mann And Family
Burma's Ruling Junta And Their Families Who Are Responsible For The Country's Situation
State Peace and Development Council
1 Shwe Mann (Thura) General , Chief of Staff, Coordinator of Special Operations (Army, Navy and Air Force) - DOB 11.07.1947
2 Khin Lay Thet , Wife of Shwe Mann - DOB. 19.06.47
3 Aung Thet Mann a.k.a Shwe Mann Ko Ko, Son of Shwe Mann, Ayeya Shwe War Company - DOB 19.06.1977
4 Khin Hnin Thandar, Wife of Aung Thet Mann
5 Toe Naing Mann Son of Shwe Mann - DOB 29.06.1978
6 Zay Zin Lat, Wife of Toe Naing Mann; Daughter of Khin Shwe - DOB. 24.03.1981
Labels: Actions Reports
Maung Aye And Family
Burma's Ruling Junta And Their Families Who Are Responsible For The Country's Situation
State Peace and Development Council
1 Maung Aye, Vice-Chairman - DOB. 25.12.1937
2 Mya Mya San , Wife of Maung Aye
3 Nandar Aye, Daughter of Maung Aye,
4 Pyi Aung, Husband of Nandar Aye
Labels: Actions Reports
Than Shwe And Family
Burma's Ruling Junta And Their Families Who Are Responsible For The Country's Situation
State Peace and Development Council (Na Aa Pa)
1 Than Shwe (Senior General) , Chairman - DOB. 02.02.193
2 Kyaing Kyaing , Wife of Than Shwe
3 Thandar Shwe , Daughter of Than Shwe
4 Zaw Pyo Win (Major), Husband of Thandar Shwe, Deputy Director Export Section,
Ministry of Trade
5 Khin Pyone Shwe, Daughter of Than Shwe
6 Aye Aye Thit Shwe, Daughter of Than Shwe
7 Tun Naing Shwe a.k.a Tun Tun Naing, Son of Than Shwe
8 Khin Thanda , Wife of Tun Naing Shwe
9 Kyaing San Shwe, Son of Than Shwe
10 Dr Khin Win Sein , Wife of Kyaing San Shwe
11 Thant Zaw Shwe a.k.a Maung Maung , Son of Than Shwe
12 Dewar Shwe, Daughter of Than Shwe
13 Kyi Kyi Shwe, Daughter of Than Shwe
Labels: Actions Reports
Monday, 28 April 2008
Photos and Eye witness account of Voting scene Infront of Burmese Embassy, Singapore on 27 April 2008
This is the translation of the Ma Linlet Kyalsin Articles about the voting experience infront of Burmese Embassy on the 27 April 2008 (sunday). you can read the original post in Burmese here at linletkyalsin' Blog
Please Visit Pan Bay Dah's Blog for full report.
Labels: Actions Reports
Her Choice - Zaw Min Or A Dog ?
By Goldie Shwe (On behalf of the people of Ye Nan Chaung)
Zaw Min, the minister of Electric Power (1) went campaigning in the area of Yenun Chaung, Magwe when he made some derogatory remarks about Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, which made the locals furious. (DVB report)
"He said that if one lets one’s daughter marry a dog, then she will only be a dog's wife, or if she marries a beggar, she will be a beggar's wife,” the resident said.
“He went on to say that if a woman marries a Kalar [vulgar term for Indian and also for westerners] then she'll be a Kalar's wife. He said people would be wise not to make the wrong decision [by choosing the Kalar's wife]."
So on be half of the angered residents of Yenun Chaung, who were forced to gather and listen to Zaw Min’s cowardly remarks, I decided to analyse how his wife Khin Mi Mi actually feels as a wife of the senior junta officer.
a) Zaw Min has the rank of Colonel : he was obviously a senior military man before taking up his civil position. However the junta’s military never fights with enemies other than the ethnic minority groups, who are usually very poorly trained and equipped guerillas. The junta’s brave military actions only shine against the unarmed civilians. What is more, they are known as the world’s most cowardly group of men as they are only good at torturing political prisoners in the notorious prisons. Should a wife of such cowardly man be so proud of him?
b) Zaw Min holds the position of Minister of Electric Power (1): the power supply 'services' in Burma have been gradually going from bad to worse, and now virtually non-existent, since the military junta took over the country in 1962. The leading generals changed - from Nay Win to Khin Nyunt and now to Than Shwe. Names of the ruling bodies changed - from Socialist Government to SLORC to now SPDC. However none, after all these years, has ever been able to muster the competence to manage to supply the country with the sufficient electric power. Should any wife of such incompetent and unintelligent men posses any pride of their husbands’ inability?
c) Both Zaw Min and wife Khin Mi Mi are named among the long lists of notices of sanctions issued by leading democratic countries such as US, EU and Australia. Being named and shamed in the international criminal lists for stealing and robbing their own country ? How worried is Khin Mi Mi, for herself, her children and her family members’ future?
d) Zaw Min is described as one of Burmese government leaders. Well, what is the Burmese government? The government who came to the power by force ; the government who shamelessly ignores the overwhelming landslide victory of the opposition political party – the National League for Democracy – led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi; the government whose leadership and management is so incompetent and corrupt that the country has the worst economy in the world; the government who is responsible for every one of the 400 children, who die from the poverty related causes, daily.
From the bottom of her heart, can Khin Mi Mi honestly and sincerely deny that she wished she was the wife of a dog, a beggar or a Kalar than being married to ignominious and disgraceful criminal and a liar – Zaw Min ?
Labels: Actions Reports
Friday, 25 April 2008
Fancy A Chicken Leg Salad ?
People’s hatred for the Than Shwe led junta has been so great in Burma, they just can’t wait to vote ‘No’ on 10 May for the referendum.
The latest campaign for ‘No’ vote is that whenever people meet they greet each other with a ‘signal’ question, ” I am going to have a chicken leg salad. Fancy one ?”
Note : A cross as in X, in Burmese is known as ‘crossed chicken legs’.
Original Source : Ko Mo Thee
Labels: Actions Reports
Thursday, 24 April 2008
A Single Copy Of Draft Constitution At London Embassy But You Can’t Read Or Photocopy It
It is reported that the Burmese Embassy in London possesses a single copy of the controversial draft constitution. However none of the Burmese residents in the UK are allowed to see, read or photocopy it.
That means the Burmese expatriates who are supposed to be voting for the referendum in less than 48 hours have not got a clue what they are voting for.
The unavailability of the draft constitution copy has also created suspicion which added disbelief in junta’s statement of it being democratic and justified.
U Nay Win, the Ambassador kindly explained that the free voting system has been arranged so that people should be assured of freely expressing their genuine desire – ‘yes’ or ‘no’- without having to worry about anything else. He also said that any possible assistance would be arranged by the embassy.
However when one of the staff called U Soe Myint was contacted for a copy of the draft constitution he said that it wasn’t quite available, just yet, as the referendum has been arranged in advance for oversea Burmese, so that all the votes could be sent back securely to Burma in time for the national voting day – 10 May.
When asked if there would be any press conference concerning the much publicized draft constitution, he replied, “There won’t be any because the rooms here are not really big enough to hold such public gatherings.”!
Original Source : Ko Htike
Labels: Actions Reports
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Advanced Referendum Voting Dates at Burmese Embassy, London
Saturday 26 April 2008
Sunday 27 April 2008
Monday 28 April 2008
9 am to 5 pm
Burmese Embassy
19 A , Charles Street
London W1J 5DX
Labels: Actions
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
ကံၾကမၼာကို ကန္႔ကြက္မဲက ေမြးဖြားေပးမည္ဟု ယုံၾကည္မိပါသည္။
အရင္ ဒိုင္, အခု ထိုးသား
ဧျပီ ၁၄၊ ၂၀၀၈
ဖြဲ႔စည္းပုံအေျခခံဥပေဒ အတည္ျပဳေရး ျပည္လုံးကၽြတ္ ဆႏၵခံယူပြဲသည္ အႏွစ္သာရအားျဖင့္ စစ္အစိုးရ ျဖဳတ္ခ်ေရး ျပည္လုံးကၽြတ္ ဆႏၵေပးပြဲ အျဖစ္သို႔ တေရြ႕ေရြ႕ အသြင္ေျပာင္းလာေနၿပီ ျဖစ္သည္။
ျမန္မာ့ႏိုင္ငံေရး ျဖစ္စဥ္မ်ားကို ၾကည့္လွ်င္ စစ္တပ္မွ လႊမ္းမိုးခ်ဳပ္ကိုင္ လုပ္ေဆာင္သည့္ ကိစၥရပ္တိုင္း၌ ျပင္ပအသြင္သဏၭာန္ႏွင့္ အတြင္းအႏွစ္သာရတို႔ အျမဲတေစ ကြဲျပားေနေလ့ ရွိသည္ကို ေတြ႔ႏိုင္ပါသည္။ အေရးပါသည့္ ကိစၥရပ္မ်ား ျဖစ္သည့္ ၁၉၅၈, ၁၉၆၂, ၁၉၈၈ ခုႏွစ္ စစ္တပ္အာဏာသိမ္းမႈမ်ား၊ ၁၉၆၀, ၁၉၉၀ ပါတီစုံ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲမ်ားႏွင့္ ၁၉၇၃ ဖြဲ႔စည္းပုံအေျခခံဥပေဒ ဆႏၵခံယူပြဲတို႔တြင္ အသြင္ ႏွင့္ အႏွစ္ ကြဲျပားေနသည္ကို အထင္အရွား ေတြ႔ျမင္ႏိုင္ပါသည္။
စစ္တပ္က အာဏာသိမ္းမႈတိုင္းတြင္ `ယိုယြင္းေနေသာ တိုင္းျပည္အေျခအေနအရ မလႊဲမေရွာင္သာ အာဏာယူရျခင္း´ ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း မြဲျပာပုဆုိး အေၾကာင္းျပခ်က္ကို ထပ္တလဲလဲ ေပးခဲ့ျမဲ ျဖစ္သည္။ အမွန္မွာ `အာဏာ´ကို လိုခ်င္၍ `သိမ္း´ျခင္းသာ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
စစ္တပ္က လုပ္ေပးေသာ ပါတီစုံ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲမ်ားတြင္ လြတ္လပ္၍ တရားမွ်တစြာ ယွဥ္ၿပိဳင္ႏိုင္ရန္ ႀကီးၾကပ္ေပးသည္ဟု အသံေကာင္းဟစ္ေသာ္လည္း၊ လက္ေတြ႔တြင္ စစ္တပ္က ၄င္းတို႔ လိုလားသည့္ဘက္မွ ပင္းခဲ့ျမဲ ျဖစ္သည္။
တပါတီစနစ္က်င့္သုံးမည့္ အေျခခံဥပေဒ ဆႏၵခံယူပြဲမွာ ၿပိဳင္ဘက္မရွိဘဲ တေယာက္တည္း ဟန္ေရးျပသည့္ `လုပ္ပြဲ´တခုသာ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
သို႔ရာတြင္ စစ္တပ္က ဘယ္လုိပင္ အေၾကာင္းျပျပ၊ ဘယ္ေလာက္ပင္ အသံေကာင္းဟစ္ဟစ္ ျမန္မာလူထုက အသြင္ႏွင့္ အႏွစ္ကို ေကာင္းစြာ ခြဲျခား နားလည္ၿပီးသား ျဖစ္သည္။ ခ်က္ဆို နားခြက္က မီးေတာက္ၿပီး ျဖစ္သည္။ စကားလုံး အႀကီးအက်ယ္ အလွအပမ်ားႏွင့္ ဘယ္လိုပင္ တန္ဆာဆင္ ေျပာေနေစကာမူ အတြင္းအႏွစ္သာရကို ဇတ္ခနဲ ဆြဲထုတ္ ေကာက္ယူၿပီး ျဖစ္သည္။
ေမလတြင္ က်င္းပမည္ဟု ေၾကညာထားသည့္ အေျခခံဥပေဒ အတည္ျပဳေရး ဆႏၵခံယူပြဲ၏ အႏွစ္သာရကိုလည္း ျမန္မာလူထုက အေတာ္ေစာေစာကပင္ ေကာက္ယူၿပီး ျဖစ္သည္။ စစ္တပ္ လုပ္ေဆာင္ခ်က္အေပၚ ျမန္မာလူထု၏ ဘာသာျပန္ခ်က္က ႏိုင္ငံေရး ဆန္ခ်င္မွ ဆန္မည္။ သို႔ေသာ္ ရွင္းလင္းသည္။ စကားလုံး လွခ်င္မွ လွမည္။ သို႔ေသာ္ တိက်သည္။
ဆႏၵခံယူပြဲကို လူထု အဓိပၸာယ္ဖြင့္ပုံက "ဒါ သူတုိ႔ ဆင္းမေပးဖို႔ လုပ္တာ" ဟူ၍ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
၁၉၉၀ ဒိုင္
ဗိုလ္ေန၀င္း ဦးေဆာင္သည့္ အိမ္ေစာင့္အစိုးရက ၁၉၆၀ ေဖေဖာ္၀ါရီလတြင္ `တတိယအႀကိမ္ ဥပေဒျပဳလႊတ္ေတာ္ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲ´ ကို ၄၇ အေျခခံဥပေဒႏွင့္အညီ က်င္းပေပးခဲ့သည္။ ထိုေရြးေကာက္ပြဲတြင္ ဒိုင္ျဖစ္သည့္ အိမ္ေစာင့္အစိုးရ (စစ္တပ္) က တည္ျမဲဖဆပလ ဘက္မွ ပင္းခဲ့သည္။ ယင္းသို႔ ပင္းခဲ့ေၾကာင္း သက္ေသထူသည့္အခ်က္မွာ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲအတြင္း မသမာမႈမ်ားတြင္ တာ၀န္ရွိသည္ဟုဆိုကာ တပ္မွဴးႀကီး ၁၃ ေယာက္ကို ဗိုလ္ေန၀င္းက ျဖဳတ္ပစ္လိုက္ျခင္းပင္ ျဖစ္သည္။
၁၉၉၀ တြင္ ဗိုလ္ေစာေမာင္ ဦးေဆာင္သည့္ န၀တ စစ္အစိုးရက ပါတီစုံ ဒီမိုကေရစီ အေထြေထြ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲကို က်င္းပေပးခဲ့သည္။ ထိုေရြးေကာက္ပြဲမွာ အေျခခံဥပေဒ တခုမွ် မရွိသည့္ အေျခအေနတြင္ က်င္းပျခင္း ျဖစ္သည္။ ထိုေရြးေကာက္ပြဲကို ၁၉၄၇ ကကဲ့သို႔ `တုိင္းျပည္ျပဳလႊတ္ေတာ္ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲ´ ဟုလည္း အတိအလင္း မဆိုထား။ အာဏာလႊဲေျပာင္းေရးကိုလည္း တိတိက်က် မျပ႒ာန္းထား။ ျပည္သူ႔လႊတ္ေတာ္ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲဥပေဒတြင္ "လႊတ္ေတာ္ကို မဲဆႏၵနယ္မ်ားမွ ဤဥပေဒႏွင့္အညီ ေရြးေကာက္တင္ေျမာက္လိုက္ေသာ လႊတ္ေတာ္ကိုယ္စားလွယ္မ်ားျဖင့္ ဖြဲ႔စည္းရမည္။" ဟူ၍ ျပ႒ာန္းထားေသာ္လည္း လႊတ္ေတာ္ ေခၚယူေရးအတြက္ အခ်ိန္ကာလ တိတိက်က် မသတ္မွတ္ထား။
ထိုသို႔ ေပ်ာ့ကြက္မ်ား ရွိေနေသာ္ျငား န၀တ ဥကၠ႒ ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္မွဴးႀကီး ေစာေမာင္က "ပါတီစုံ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲ ၿပီးရင္ ဘာလုပ္ၾကမလဲ၊ ဖြဲ႔စည္းပုံအေျခခံဥပေဒ ေရးဖို႔ပဲ ျဖစ္တယ္္။ … အေျခခံ ဥပေဒကို အေရြးခံရတဲ့ ပါတီအဖြဲ႔အစည္းေတြက လႊတ္ေတာ္ကိုယ္စားလွယ္ေတြ ညိႇႏိႈင္းၿပီး လုပ္ၾကရမယ့္ ကိစၥ" ဟူ၍ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲ မတိုင္မီကေရာ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲ အၿပီးတြင္ပါ ကမၻာသိ ေျပာဆိုခဲ့သည္။
ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲအၿပီး ႏွစ္လအၾကာတြင္ ထုတ္ျပန္သည့္ ၁/၉၀ ေၾကညာခ်က္တြင္ စစ္အစိုးရက လႊတ္ေတာ္ေခၚယူေပးေရးကို တာ၀န္ခံၿပီး၊ လႊတ္ေတာ္ကိုယ္စားလွယ္မ်ားက အေျခခံဥပေဒ ေရးဆြဲေရးကို တာ၀န္ယူရန္ ထပ္မံ အတည္ျပဳခဲ့သည္။
ထိုအခ်က္မ်ားအရ စစ္အစိုးရက မိမိကိုယ္ကိုယ္ အိမ္ေစာင့္အစိုးရကဲ့သို႔ သေဘာထားကာ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲကို က်င္းပေပးခဲ့ျခင္း ျဖစ္သည္ဟု သုံးသပ္ႏိုင္ပါသည္။ ျပည္သူလူထု အမ်ားစုကလည္း ဤသို႔ပင္ ႐ႈျမင္ခဲ့ၾကပါသည္။ စစ္အစိုးရက ဒိုင္ ျဖစ္သည္။
စစ္အစိုးရက ဒိုင္ေနရာကို ယူခဲ့ေသာ္လည္း ကစားပြဲကို အဆုံးသတ္ေအာင္ မေဆာင္ရြက္ပါ။ အေၾကာင္းမွာ ထြက္ေပၚလာသည့္ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲ ရလဒ္က မိမိလိုလားသည့္အတိုင္း မဟုတ္ေတာ့၍ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ စစ္အစိုးရအေနႏွင့္ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲတြင္ ဘယ္ပါတီမွ ျပတ္ျပတ္သားသား အႏိုင္ရလိမ့္မည္ မဟုတ္ဟု တထစ္ခ် တြက္ဆထားခဲ့ပုံ ရပါသည္။ ပါတီမ်ားအခ်င္းခ်င္း အားၿပိဳင္ေနလွ်င္ စစ္တပ္က အဆုံးအျဖတ္ေပးႏိုင္သည့္ အုပ္စု ျဖစ္လာမည္ဟု ထင္ျမင္ထားပုံ ရပါသည္။ သို႔မဟုတ္ စစ္တပ္ ေထာက္ခံသည့္ ပါတီက အသာစီးရလာမည္ဟု ယူဆထားပုံ ရပါသည္။ ထိုယူဆခ်က္မွာ ဗုိလ္ေန၀င္း၏ အိမ္ေစာင့္အစိုးရေခတ္ ယူဆခ်က္ႏွင့္ ထပ္တူနီးပါး ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
ဗိုလ္ေန၀င္းေခတ္ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲတြင္ သိသိသာသာ ဘက္လိုက္ခဲ့သည့္တိုင္ စစ္တပ္အားေပးသည့္ ဘက္က ခြက္ခြက္လန္ေအာင္ ႐ႈံးခဲ့သည္။ ဗို္လ္ေစာေမာင္ေခတ္ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲတြင္လည္း စစ္တပ္ လိုလားသည့္ဘက္က ခြက္ခြက္လန္ေအာင္ ႐ႈံးခဲ့ျပန္သည္။
ဘက္လိုက္၍ မႏိုင္ေသာအခါ ဗိုလ္ေန၀င္းသည္ ေနာင္ႏွစ္ႏွစ္အၾကာတြင္ အာဏာသိမ္းခဲ့သည္။ လိုလားသည့္ဘက္က မႏိုင္ေသာအခါ ဗိုလ္ေစာေမာင္သည္ လႊတ္ေတာ္ေခၚေပးရန္ ျငင္းဆန္လိုက္ေတာ့သည္။
ထိုေရြးေကာက္ပြဲ ႏွစ္ခုစလုံးတြင္ ျပည္သူလူထုက စစ္တပ္လႊမ္းမိုးမႈကို မလိုလားေၾကာင္းႏွင့္ ဒီမိုကေရစီကိုသာ လိုလားေၾကာင္း ထင္ထင္ရွားရွား ေဖာ္ျပခဲ့သည္။ သို႔ရာတြင္ ျပည္သူလူထု ဆႏၵႏွစ္ခုစလုံးကို စစ္တပ္က ဆန္႔က်င္ ပစ္ပယ္ထားဆဲ ျဖစ္သည္။
စစ္အစိုးရသည္ ျမတ္မလားလို႔ ဒိုင္ကိုင္ခဲ့သည္။ သူဘက္လိုက္ထားသည့္ ထိုးသားႏွင့္ ေ၀စားမွ်စား လုပ္ရန္ ျပင္ဆင္ထားသည္။ သို႔ေသာ္ ရလဒ္က သူလိုခ်င္သည့္အတိုင္း မဟုတ္ေတာ့ေသာအခါ ယခု သူကိုယ္တိုင္ ထိုးသား အျဖစ္ ၀င္ေရာက္လာေတာ့သည္။
၂၀၀၈ ထိုးသား
၉၀ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲသည္ ျမန္္မာႏိုင္ငံတြင္ က်င္းပခဲ့သည့္ ပါတီစုံ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲမ်ားအနက္ မဲလိမ္ မဲခိုးမႈ အကင္းရွင္းဆုံး ျဖစ္ခဲ့သည္။ ပါတီခ်င္း အုပ္စုခ်င္း ဥပေဒမဲ့ တိုက္ခိုက္မႈမ်ား ကင္းစင္ခဲ့သည္။ စစ္တပ္ႏွင့္ အာဏာပိုင္မ်ား၏ အလြန္အက်ဴး ဖိအားေပးမႈမ်ား ေလ်ာ့နည္းသြားသည္။ သို႔ေသာ္ လုံး၀ လြတ္လပ္၍ တရားမွ်တသည္ဟုေတာ့ မဆိုႏိုင္ပါ။ တင္းက်ပ္ေသာ အကန္႔အသတ္မ်ားၾကားမွ စည္း႐ုံးလႈပ္ရွားခဲ့ရျခင္း ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ သို႔ရာတြင္ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲကို အားလုံးက `လြတ္လပ္၍ တရားမွ်တ´ သည္ဟု အသိအမွတ္ ျပဳခဲ့ၾကၿပီး၊ ရလဒ္ကိုလည္း တရား၀င္ အတည္ျပဳခဲ့သည္။
ထိုအခ်ိန္က စစ္တပ္ပိုင္ပါတီ မရွိပါ။ စစ္တပ္ပိုင္ပါတီ အျဖစ္မွ စ်ာန္ေလ်ာလာေသာ တိုင္းရင္းသားစည္းလုံးညီၫြတ္ေရးပါတီသာ ရွိပါသည္။ အာဏာကို လက္လႊတ္ခဲ့ရသည့္ မဆလ တျဖစ္လဲ တစညပါတီသည္ ေငြအင္အား လူအင္အား အေတာင့္တင္းဆုံး ျဖစ္သည္။ အင္အားႀကီးပါတီ ျဖစ္၍ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲတြင္ အႏိုင္ရမည္၊ သို႔မဟုတ္ အဓိက အတိုက္အခံ ျဖစ္လာမည္ဟု စစ္တပ္က တြက္ဆထားပုံရပါသည္။ ထိုသုိ႔ ျဖစ္လာလွ်င္ တစညႏွင့္ စစ္တပ္ လက္ခ်င္းခ်ိတ္ထားႏိုင္မည္။ စစ္တပ္အေနႏွင့္ ကိုယ္ပိုင္ပါတီ မရွိေသာ္လည္း မဟာမိတ္ပါတီ ရွိေနမည့္ သေဘာျဖစ္သည္။
သို႔ေသာ္ သမိုင္းက ထိုသို႔ မျဖစ္ခဲ့ပါ။ ဒိုင္ကိုင္သူ စစ္တပ္သေဘာကို ေနာေက်ေအာင္ သိေနေသာ လူထုက လႊတ္ေတာ္အတြင္း ပါတီခ်င္းအားၿပိဳင္မႈ မေပၚေပါက္လာေစရန္ အမ်ဳိးသားဒီမိုကေရစီအဖြဲ႔ခ်ဳပ္ တခုတည္းကို ပုံေအာ၍ မဲေပးခဲ့သည္။ တစညမွာ သူရသည့္မဲမ်ားကို စုေပါင္းလိုက္လွ်င္ အဖြဲ႔ခ်ဳပ္ေနာက္မွ ဒုတိယလိုက္သည္ မွန္ေသာ္လည္း အမတ္ေနရာ ၁၀ ခုသာရ၍ လႊတ္ေတာ္တြင္း၌ အတိုက္အခံေနရာကိုပင္ မရႏိုင္ေတာ့ပါ။
ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲအၿပီးတြင္ စစ္အစိုးရသည္ တစညႏွင့္ အိုးစားခြဲကာ၊ ထာ၀ရ အာဏာဆြဲကိုင္ေရး လမ္းစဥ္ကို သူ႔နည္းသူ႔ဟန္ျဖင့္ စတင္ခဲ့ေတာ့သည္။ ပါတီတခုခုႏွင့္ မဟာမိတ္လုပ္ကာ အာဏာခြဲစားမည့္ လမ္းစဥ္မွ စစ္တပ္ကိုယ္တိုင္ ႏိုင္ငံေရးနယ္တြင္ လႊမ္းမိုးခ်ဳပ္ကိုင္္ေရး လမ္းစဥ္သို႔ ေျပာင္းလဲခဲ့သည္။
"ႏိုင္ငံေတာ္၏ အမ်ိဳးသားႏိုင္ငံေရး ဦးေဆာင္မႈအခန္းက႑တြင္ တပ္မေတာ္က ပါ၀င္ထမ္းေဆာင္ႏိုင္ေရး" ဆိုသည့္အခ်က္ကို ေျပာင္ေျပာင္တင္းတင္း ေတာင္းဆိုလာသည္။ ဤအခ်က္ကို ေတာင္းဆိုႏိုင္ေရးအတြက္ `အမ်ိဳးသားညီလာခံ´ကို ဇြတ္တရြတ္ ဖန္တီးခဲ့သည္။ တခ်ိန္တည္းမွာပင္ ေတာင္းဆိုခ်က္ကို ေထာက္ခံေပးမည့္ `ၾကံ့ဖြံ႔´ကို စစ္တပ္ပိုင္အဖြဲ႔အစည္း အျဖစ္ မဟားဒရား တည္ေဆာက္ခဲ့သည္။
နအဖသည္ လႊတ္ေတာ္ေခၚယူေရးကို ျငင္းဆန္၍ အမ်ိဳးသားညီလာခံကို က်င္းပႏိုင္ရန္ သုံးႏွစ္မွ် အခ်ိန္ယူခဲ့ရသည္။ ညီလာခံကို အတြင္းအျပင္ ဖိအားေပးျခင္းႏွင့္ အခ်ိန္ဆြဲဆန္႔ျခင္း ဗ်ဴဟာမ်ားျဖင့္ ကိုင္တြယ္ခဲ့သည္။ စင္စစ္ ၉၆ ခုႏွစ္တြင္ အဖြဲ႔ခ်ဳပ္ ႏုတ္ထြက္လိုက္ခ်ိန္မွ စ၍ အမ်ိဳးသားညီလာခံမွာ အသက္မရွိေသာ အဆာသြပ္႐ုပ္လုံးသက္သက္ ျဖစ္သြားၿပီ ျဖစ္သည္။
ညီလာခံက ေလွ်ာေမြးေလး ျဖစ္သြားခ်ိန္တြင္ ၾကံ့ဖြံ႔က ဘီလူး ျဖစ္လာခဲ့သည္။ သို႔ႏွင့္ ၁၄ ႏွစ္အၾကာတြင္ စစ္အစိုးရ၏ ေတာင္းဆိုခ်က္သည္ ညီလာခံ၏ အေျခခံမူအျဖစ္ ေမြးဖြားလာျပန္သည္။
ယခု အဆိုပါေတာင္းဆိုခ်က္ကို လူထုဆႏၵခံယူျခင္းသည္ စစ္အစိုးရကိုယ္တိုင္ `ထိုးသား´ ျဖစ္လာျခင္းပင္ ျဖစ္သည္။ စစ္အစိုးရ ဒိုင္ကိုင္စဥ္က ပါတီမ်ားကို လႊတ္ေတာ္သက္တမ္း `တႀကိမ္စာ´ အတြက္ ယွဥ္ၿပိဳင္ခိုင္းခဲ့သည္။ စစ္အစိုးရကုိယ္တိုင္ ထိုးသား၀င္လုပ္သည့္ ယခုအခါတြင္ လႊတ္ေတာ္သက္တမ္း `တသက္စာ´ အတြက္ ယွဥ္ၿပိဳင္ေနျခင္း ျဖစ္သည္။ ျပင္ဆင္ေနသည့္ ဆႏၵခံယူပြဲသည္ ျပင္ပအသြင္သဏၭာန္အားျဖင့္ "ဖြဲ႔စည္းပုံအေျခခံဥပေဒ အတည္ျပဳေရး" ျဖစ္ၿပီး၊ အတြင္းအႏွစ္သာရအားျဖင့္ "စစ္တပ္အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္မႈဥပေဒ အတည္ျပဳေရး" ျဖစ္ေနပါသည္။
ထိုးသားျဖစ္လာသည့္ နအဖသည္ အႏိုင္ရေရးအတြက္ နည္းလမ္းမ်ိဳးစုံကို အိတ္သြန္ဖာေမွာက္ ထုတ္သုံးမည္ အေသအခ်ာ ျဖစ္သည္။ ဘယ္နည္းနဲ႔ ႏိုင္ႏိုင္, ႏိုင္ရင္ၿပီးေရာ ဆိုသည့္ စိ္တ္ႏွင့္ မတရားမႈအေပါင္း သရဖူေဆာင္းၾကမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။ ထိုကိစၥအားလုံးကို ၾကံ့ဖြံ႔အမည္ခံ၍ လုပ္ကိုင္ေနၾကၿပီ ျဖစ္သည္။
ယခုပြဲတြင္ `ဒိုင္´ မရွိေတာ့ပါ။ အေၾကာင္းမွာ နအဖသည္ `သူပဲ ဒိုင္, သူပဲ ထိုးသား´ အျဖစ္ ရယူထားေသာေၾကာင့္ ျဖစ္သည္။ ဆႏၵခံယူပြဲအတြင္း တစုံတရာ ျပႆနာေပၚေပါက္ပါက တိုင္ၾကားေျဖရွင္းရန္ `တရား႐ုံး´ လည္း မရွိေတာ့ပါ။ အေၾကာင္းမွာ ႏိုင္ငံေတာ္တရားသူႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ ကိုယ္တုိင္ က်င္းပေရးေကာ္မရွင္ ဥကၠ႒ ေနရာယူထားေသာေၾကာင့္ ျဖစ္သည္။ ထို႔ေၾကာင့္ ဆႏၵခံယူပြဲသည္ တဖက္ႏွင့္တဖက္ `ပြဲျပတ္´ ျဖစ္ကိုျဖစ္မွရမည့္ အေျခအေနသို႔ ဆုိက္ေရာက္ေနပါသည္။ ပြဲမျပတ္လွ်င္ အေျခအေနက ပိုမို႐ႈပ္ေထြးႏိုင္ၿပီး `ကင္ညာ ၿပီးေတာ့ ျမန္မာ´ ျဖစ္သြားႏိုင္ပါသည္။
ထိုအခ်က္ကို နအဖကလည္း လက္ခံထားပုံရသည္။ ႏိုင္ငံေတာ္၀န္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ တာ၀န္ယူထားသူ ကိုယ္တိုင္ ေထာက္ခံမဲထည့္ေရး စည္း႐ုံးေနသည္ကို ေထာက္လွ်င္ သူတို႔ဘက္က ေထာက္ခံမဲ အျပတ္ရေရးအတြက္ မေသခ်ာေသးဟု တြက္ဆႏိုင္ပါသည္။ သို႔မဟုတ္ စိတ္ခ်ေသခ်ာေအာင္ ၀ါယမစိုက္ထုတ္ေနသည္ဟုလည္း ဆုိႏိုင္ပါသည္။ သို႔မဟုတ္ ဒီတႀကိမ္ ႐ႈံးလွ်င္ ငါတုိ႔ ဇီ၀ိန္ခ်ဳပ္လိမ့္မည္ဟု စစ္အစိုးရ လိပ္ျပာလန္႔ေနတာလည္း ျဖစ္ႏိုင္ပါသည္။
ညီလာခံက ခ်မွတ္လိုက္ေသာ အေျခခံမူ၏ အဓိကက်ေသာ အခ်က္ႏွစ္ခ်က္ကို အေျခခံဥပေဒ မူၾကမ္းတြင္ ျပင္ထားလိုက္ျခင္းက နအဖသည္ အလြန္အမင္း ေၾကာက္စိတ္၀င္ေနေၾကာင္း ေဖာ္ျပေနသည္။ ပုဒ္မ ၄၄၁ တြင္ အေျခခံဥပေဒ အတည္ျပဳဖို႔ ဆႏၵမဲေပးခြင့္ရွိသူအားလုံး၏ ၂၆ ရာခိုင္ႏႈန္းလိုအပ္ေၾကာင္း ျပ႒ာန္းထားၿပီး၊ ပုဒ္မ ၄၃၆ (က) တြင္ အေျခခံဥပေဒ ျပင္ဆင္ဖို႔ ဆႏၵမဲေပးပိုင္ခြင့္ရွိသူအားလုံး၏ ဆႏၵမဲ (ရာႏႈန္း ၁၀၀) လိုအပ္ေၾကာင္း ျပ႒ာန္းထားပါသည္။ ထိုအခ်က္မ်ားမွာ ဒီမိုကေရစီစနစ္ႏွင့္ ညီၫြတ္ဖို႔ ေနေနသာသာ အမ်ိဳးသားညီလာခံက ခ်မွတ္ေပးလိုက္ေသာ အေျခခံမူႏွင့္ပင္ မညီၫြတ္ေတာ့ပါ။ ထိုအခ်က္က နဂိုက ေထာက္ခံခ်င္သူမ်ားကိုပင္ ကန္႔ကြက္ေအာင္ တြန္းပို႔ေပးလိုက္ႏိုင္ပါသည္။
ျမန္မာလူထု အမ်ားစုက စစ္အစိုးရကို မလိုလားတာ အေသအခ်ာ ျဖစ္သည္။ သို႔ေသာ္ ေထာက္ခံရမွာလား ကန္႔ကြက္ရမွာလား မသဲမကြဲ ျဖစ္ေနသည္။ လူထုအေနျဖင့္ ကိုယ္ပိုင္ဆုံးျဖတ္ခ်က္ခ်ရန္ အခ်က္အလက္ ျပည့္ျပည့္စုံစုံ မရေသးပါ။ ရသည့္တိုင္ေအာင္ အခ်ိန္ မလုံေလာက္ပါ။ လုံေလာက္သည့္တိုင္ေအာင္ ရွင္းလင္းေဆြးေႏြးခြင့္ ရႏိုင္မည္ မဟုတ္ပါ။ ယခု ဧၿပီ ၂ ရက္ေန႔က အမ်ိဳးသားဒီမိုကေရစီအဖြဲ႔ခ်ဳပ္က ျပည္သူလူထုကို ကန္႔ကြက္မဲထည့္ရန္ အတိအလင္း ႏိႈးေဆာ္လိုက္ၿပီ ျဖစ္၍ သဲသဲကြဲကြဲ ျဖစ္သြားၿပီ ျဖစ္သည္။ ေမွာက္ေရး မည္းေရး ကိစၥလည္း အဆုံးသတ္ၿပီဟု ဆိုႏိုင္ပါသည္။ သပိတ္ေမွာက္စရာ ရွိခဲ့လွ်င္ ကန္႔ကြက္မဲထည့္ၿပီးမွ ေမွာက္ၾကရန္ ျပင္ဆင္ထားဖို႔ ျဖစ္သြားပါသည္။
ကန္႔ကြက္မဲလႈပ္ရွားမႈ က်ယ္ျပန္႔လာသည္ႏွင့္အမွ် လူထုယုံၾကည္မႈႏွင့္ ဆုံးျဖတ္ခ်က္ ပီျပင္ခိုင္မာလာမည္ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ လူထုအေနႏွင့္ ပြဲျပတ္မွ ျဖစ္မည္ကို သိလာေလေလ ကန္႔ကြက္မဲေတြ မ်ားလာေလေလ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ ကန္႔ကြက္မဲသည္ ဒီမိုကေရစီကို အၿပီးသတ္ ဆြတ္ခ်ဴေပးမည္ မဟုတ္သည့္တိုင္ ပန္းတိုင္ဆီသို႔ တိုး၍ေလွ်ာက္လွမ္းလိုက္သည့္ ေျခတလွမ္း ျဖစ္သည္။ ထုိအခ်က္ကို လူထုအေနႏွင့္ ေကာင္းစြာ နားလည္လာေလေလ ကန္႔ကြက္မဲေတြ မ်ားလာေလေလ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ အေရးႀကီးဆုံး အခ်က္မွာ ဆႏၵမဲလက္မွတ္ကို လုံျခံဳလြတ္လပ္စြာ ေရးျခစ္ႏုိင္ခြင့္ ရဖို႔ပင္ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
ကန္႔ကြက္မဲေတြ အမ်ားစု ျဖစ္ၿပီဆိုလွ်င္…
အခ်ိဳ႕က ကန္႔ကြက္မဲထည့္လုိက္လွ်င္ နအဖက ဒီအတိုင္း ဆက္လက္အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္သြားလိမ့္မည္ဟု ေျပာၾကပါသည္။ ထိုစကားမွာ ေထာက္ခံမဲထည့္ရန္ မလွိမ့္တပတ္ စည္း႐ုံးေသာ စကားသာ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ အခ်ိဳ႕က ဒီဥပေဒကို ကန္႔ကြက္လွ်င္ ေနာက္ ဥပေဒတခုကို ထပ္ေရးလိမ့္ဦးမည္၊ အခ်ိန္ဆြဲထားလိမ့္ဦးမည္ဟု ေျပာၾကပါသည္။ ထိုစကားမွာလည္း ေထာက္ခံမဲရရန္ ဆင္ေျခေပးျခင္း တမ်ိဳးသာ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ ထိုစကားမ်ိဳး ေျပာသူတုိ႔မွာ ေရွ႕ဘာျဖစ္မည္ အေသအခ်ာ မသိဘဲ ကိုယ္ထင္ရာ ဗရမ္းဗတာ ေလွ်ာက္ေျပာျခင္းသာ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
ကန္႔ကြက္မဲအလြန္တြင္ ဘာေတြျဖစ္မည္ကို မည္သူမွ် တပ္အပ္ မေျပာႏိုင္ပါ။ ကန္႔ကြက္မဲ ျဖစ္ခဲ့လွ်င္ ဘာလုပ္မည္ဟု ေရးသားထားေသာ ဥပေဒလည္း မရွိ။ ယုံၾကည္ရေလာက္သည့္ အေျခအေနမ်ိဳးလည္း မရွိ။ နအဖကလည္း ဘာမွ် မေျပာ။
သို႔ေသာ္ ေျပာႏိုင္တာတခုေတာ့ အေသအခ်ာ ရွိပါသည္။ ယင္းမွာ "ျမန္မာျပည္သူလူထုက စစ္အစိုးရေတာင္းဆိုခ်က္ကို အႂကြင္းမဲ့ ပယ္ခ်လိုက္သည္" ဟု ကမၺည္း ေမာ္ကြန္း စိုက္ထူႏိုင္မည္။ လက္နက္ကိုင္ စစ္အစိုးရကို လက္နက္မဲ့ ျပည္သူမ်ားက ႏွလုံးရည္ျဖင့္ ေအာင္ႏိုင္မည္။ နအဖသည္ လူထုမလိုလား လက္မခံေသာ တရားမ၀င္ အစိုးရျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း ဒုတိယအႀကိမ္ ေၾကညာႏိုင္မည္။
ဒါ ေနာက္ဆုံးလား
လူထု ထည့္မည့္ ကန္႔ကြက္မဲသည္ `အေျခခံဥပေဒကို ကန္႔ကြက္ျခင္း´ ဆိုသည္ထက္ ပိုလြန္စြာ "စစ္အစိုးရ ျဖဳတ္ခ်ေရး ဆႏၵမဲ" အျဖစ္သို႔ ေရာက္ရွိသြားေတာ့မည္ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ အဘယ္ေၾကာင့္ဆိုေသာ္ လူထုကန္႔ကြက္မဲ အမ်ားစုရခဲ့လွ်င္ နအဖ၏ ဖ၀ါးခုနစ္လွမ္း ႏိုင္ငံေရး အစီအစဥ္ႀကီးသည္ တုံ႔ခနဲ ရပ္တန္႔သြားမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။ လူထုက `ရပ္´ ဟု တားျမစ္လိုက္ျခင္း ျဖစ္သည္။ ထို႔ျပင္ စစ္အစိုးရ ေတာင္းဆိုထားသည့္ "ႏိုင္ငံေတာ္၏ အမ်ိဳးသားႏိုင္ငံေရး ဦးေဆာင္မႈအခန္းက႑တြင္ တပ္မေတာ္က ပါ၀င္ထမ္းေဆာင္ႏိုင္ေရး" ကို ျမန္မာလူထုက `ခြင့္မျပဳ´ ဟု အဓိပၸာယ္ထြက္ပါသည္။
ဤတြင္ အဖြဲ႔ခ်ဳပ္၏ ျပည္သူသို႔ ပန္ၾကားခ်က္ပါ အပိုဒ္ ၄ ကို အထူးသတိျပဳသင့္သည္ဟု ထင္ပါသည္။
၄။ ႏိုင္ငံေတာ္ကို အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ေနေသာ အဖြဲ႔အစည္းတခုသည္ ျပည္သူလူထု ေထာက္ခံမႈ မရရွိလွ်င္ တည္တံ့ခိုင္ျမဲျခင္း မရွိႏိုင္ေၾကာင္းကို မိမိႏိုင္ငံသမိုင္းမ်ားႏွင့္ ႏိုင္ငံတကာသမိုင္းမ်ားက သက္ေသထူလ်က္ ရွိသည္။
ထိုအခ်က္က ဆႏၵခံယူပြဲသည္ ဥပေဒကိစၥမွ်သာ မဟုတ္၊ စစ္အစိုးရ ဆက္လက္ တည္ရွိေရး မရွိေရးႏွင့္ တိုက္႐ိုက္ဆက္စပ္ေနသည္ဟု ေဖာ္ျပေနပါသည္။ ဥပေဒထဲတြင္ပါသည့္ အနာဂတ္၌ စစ္တပ္ ဦးေဆာင္မႈကို လူထုက မေထာက္ခံဘူး ဆိုသည္မွာ၊ ယခု အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ေနသည္ကိုလည္း လက္မခံဟု ဆိုလိုက္ျခင္းပင္ ျဖစ္သည္။ ထို႔ေၾကာင့္ လူထုအေနျဖင့္ ဥပေဒကို ကန္႔ကြက္မဲ ေပးျခင္းသည္ `နအဖ အလိုမရွိ´ဟု ေႂကြးေၾကာ္လိုက္ျခင္းပင္ ျဖစ္သည္။ မဲစာရြက္မ်ားျဖင့္ ေဖာ္ျပလိုက္ေသာ ေႂကြးေၾကာ္သံက စစ္အစိုးရ ဆက္လက္တည္ျမဲမႈကို အႀကီးအက်ယ္ ကိုင္လႈပ္ႏိုင္မည္ဟု အဓိပၸာယ္ ေကာက္ယူႏိုင္ပါသည္။
အကယ္၍ စစ္အစိုးရကို စိမ္ေခၚႏိုင္ေလာက္သည့္ ကန္႔ကြက္မဲ မရလွ်င္ `အဆိုးဆုံး´ အေျခအေနႏွင့္ ရင္ဆိုင္ရဖြယ္ ရွိပါသည္။ အလုံးစုံ ပ်က္သုဥ္းေရးလား၊ အလုံးစုံ ေျပာင္းလဲေရးလား ေ၀ခြဲရန္ မလြယ္ေသးပါ။ ဒီတပြဲမွာ လူထုဘက္က စြန္႔စားရမွာေတြ အမ်ားအျပား ရွိသလို၊ နအဖဘက္မွာလည္း စြန္႔စားစရာေတြ ဒုႏွင့္ေဒး ရွိေနပါသည္။
ေလာေလာဆယ္တြင္ နအဖက ဖ၀ါးခုနစ္လွမ္း လမ္းစဥ္အတိုင္း အျပင္းအထန္ ခ်ီတက္ေနၿပီး၊ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ႏွင့္ စကားေျပာဆိုပြဲကို အရန္လမ္းစဥ္ သို႔မဟုတ္ ေခၽြးသိပ္သည့္လမ္းစဥ္ အျဖစ္ လုပ္ေဆာင္ေနသည္။ အကယ္၍ ကန္႔ကြက္မဲေၾကာင့္ သူ႔အစီအစဥ္ကို ဖ၀ါးေလးလွမ္းေျမာက္တြင္ ရပ္ေပးရလွ်င္ အရန္လမ္းစဥ္ကို ပိုမိုခ်ဲ႕ထြင္၍ အေျခအေနကို ထိန္းထားႏိုင္ေအာင္ ႀကိဳးစားမည္ဟု ယူဆရပါသည္။
ႏိုင္ငံတကာႏွင့္ ျမန္မာ့သမိုင္းတြင္ ျဖစ္ေလ့ျဖစ္ထ ရွိခဲ့သည္မွာ အစိုးရတရပ္သည္ အလြန္အမင္း အၾကပ္အတည္းႏွင့္ ရင္ဆိုင္ရလွ်င္ အေျပာင္းအလဲ တခုကိုေတာ့ လုပ္ၾကရစျမဲ ျဖစ္သည္။ ေမွာက္ထားေသာ ေရခြက္ကို ဆြဲလွန္လိုက္သလို အားလုံး ေျပာင္းသြားမည္ဟု မေမွ်ာ္လင့္ပါ။ သို႔ေသာ္ အလြန္ေခါင္းမာေသာ စစ္ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ႀကီးမ်ားသည္ သူတုိ႔ အေဖႀကီး ဗုိလ္ေန၀င္း၏ လမ္းစဥ္မ်ိဳးေလာက္ေတာ့ ေျပာင္းႏိုင္ေကာင္းသည္ဟု မရဲတရဲ ယူဆမိပါသည္။
အျမင့္ဆုံး အေျပာင္းအလဲမွာ ဗိုလ္သန္းေရႊႏွင့္ ထိပ္ပိုင္းလူအခ်ိဳ႕ ကန္႔လန္႔ကာေနာက္သို႔ ၀င္သြားျခင္းမ်ိဳး ျဖစ္ႏိုင္ပါသည္။ အနိမ့္ဆုံး အေျပာင္းအလဲမွာ ဆႏၵခံယူပြဲကို တာ၀န္ခံရသူတို႔ ဓားစာခံအျဖစ္ ထိုးေကၽြးခံရဖြယ္ ရွိပါသည္။ ျပယုဂ္ျဖစ္သည့္ လူအေျပာင္းအလဲမ်ားႏွင့္အတူ ႏိုင္ငံေရး အစီအစဥ္သစ္တရပ္ရပ္ ေပၚထြက္လာႏိုင္ပါသည္။ သို႔ေသာ္ ေရွ႕သို႔လမ္းစဥ္လား၊ ေနာက္သို႔လမ္းစဥ္လား ဆိုသည္ကေတာ့ တိုင္းျပည္၏ ကံၾကမၼာေပၚတြင္ မူတည္ေနပါသည္။
ကံၾကမၼာကို ကန္႔ကြက္မဲက ေမြးဖြားေပးမည္ဟု ယုံၾကည္မိပါသည္။ ။
Burmese Democratic Movement Association - UK
BDMA-UK, 110 B, Rectory Road, Stoke Newington, London N16 7SD
[Tel: 02072757413] [Email: bdma@bdmauk.org ] [Web - http://www.bdmauk.org ]
Labels: Actions, Discussion
Friday, 11 April 2008
Keep Demanding Peace From China: Campaign Steps Up
Don't Watch the Olympics: Spread the Word
Yesterday in San Francisco, as the Olympic Torch went through the city, ten thousand protestors gathered demanding change from China. Furthermore a thousand Burma supporters were lead by Buddhist monks in a peaceful march across the Golden Gate Bridge.
More people around the world are realizing that the China's human rights record should not shame the Olympics. John McCain today came out stating that President Bush should strongly consider not going to the Bejijng Olympics. Also recently, Hillary Clinton has also came out in support of boycotting the opening ceremonies. Read more here.
During the San Francisco marches, Archbishop Desmond Tutu also released a statement concerning China's involvement with Burma, saying "I urge the government of China to end their arms trade with Burma's generals. It is still possible for China to realize the Olympic principles of 'respect for universal fundamental ethical principles' by 'promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.' The world is watching and expects no less."
Now is the time to take the Olympics campaign to another level.
Here are some more things you can do:
Watch and share the 8.8.08 video: A new video which gives an overview of Burma and China's involvement with the country. Watch it and share it with your friends.
Email Corporate Sponsors : Now you can in just a few minutes send an email to the Olympic corporate sponsors urging them to use their leverage to bring peace to Burma.
Be a part of the Street Team: Be a part of the team that is taking to the streets and getting the word out. Win prizes as well as the knowledge that your chapter is the strongest. The month of April we are having a competition to see who can collect the most amount of names of people who are pledging to not watch the Olympic Games. There will be updates on our website and the winners at the end of the month will be given prizes (t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc). Join the movement.
Keep the momentum going! Don't let people forget about Burma!
Support 1991 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Aung San Suu Kyi and the struggle for freedom and democracy in Burma.
Labels: Actions
Thursday, 10 April 2008
The Olympic Torch Relay : The Faces Said It All
7 March 2008
Thousands of people who turned out to see yesterday’s London leg of the Olympic torch relay, witnessed how vulnerable and tiny the actual torch looked, carried by a single athlete and surrounded by a group of Chinese looking men in blue and white jogging suits. I couldn’t stop wondering who they were.
Later, I learnt that those Chinese minders were employed by Beijing Olympic Organising Committee to look after the torch and they are to go with the torch on its journey around the world. And they are called “flame attendants”.
News around the world reported how the ugly scenes of protest disrupted the relay and people’s concentration around the farce, violence and ignominy throughout the route. But for me, the most interesting sight was a phalanx of Chinese minders and in particular their faces.
Their rigidly upright bodies with the tight shoulders said they were military trained but what is the most striking for me was their expressions. The faces that could not disguise the anxiety and uneasiness. In fact, they looked so worried and disturbed that they looked like a herd of hyena who had just caught a zebra but were still surrounded by the lions.
They were equipped with communication ear pieces but that’s all, and it was clear how frustrated and strangely vulnerable they looked for not being able to hold guns, as they normally would in China, whenever they are up against protesters.
Those poor men, the employees and servants of the Chinese government with their remarkable behaviour and facial expressions of hyenas are only the reflection of their bosses and superiors. The same hyena-like expression and behaviour also applies to the faces of the Burma Junta, who China helps and supports throughout their oppression of the country’s democracy movements, in exchange of the cheap deal of natural resources.
By Goldie Shwe
Labels: Opinion
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Join us for the Olympic Torch's only US stop: Stand up for Burma!
Peace Walk Across Golden Gate Bridge
The Olympic torch in its journey has been met with thousands of challenging voices from people who resoundly disapprove of the ceremonies being held in a country with such a dark human rights record, including propping up Burma's military junta. In London and Paris thousands of people gathered in the streets creating many blockages to the torch's path.
Read news coverage of the protests here
On April 9th, this Wednesday, the Olympic torch will be making its only stop in the U.S., in San Francisco and we are strongly prepared for it. It is a crucial time, the world's focus will be there that day, as well as the Chinese government's attention. It is our turn to match the huge turnouts in London and Paris.
Burmese and Buddhist supporters will gather for a large march across the Golden Gate Bridge to declare that China must support peace in Burma. Led by Burmese monks and Buddhist clergy, including Jack Kornfield and other senior teacher, we will walk in peace to support the people of Burma. We call on China to reflect the peaceful values of the Olympics by: immediately halting arms supplies to Burma and demonstrating support for a comprehensive UN Security Council arms embargo on Burma.
The August 2008 Beijing Olympics are a key opportunity to draw attention to China's role in the suffering of the Burmese people. China is a major trading partner of the Burma's military regime, not only buying Burma's natural gas but as the largest single supplier of military goods to the junta. Furthermore, China has paralyzed any constructive UN Security Council action on Burma.
Even if you can't attend, you can still do something:
- Sign our online petition to pledge to not watch the Beijing Olympics and boycott Olympic sponsors, then get your friends to sign this as well. The more people who sign, the stronger the call to the Chinese government.
- Tell others about this event. Forward this email to friends in the area or if you use Facebook, you can easily tell your friends about it through our event page.
March Details:
This is a permitted walk. Parking is limited in bridge areas and we will have shuttles running from the SF side to Vista Point so that people will only have to walk one way. Wear red! The Bridge has strict rules. All signs must be hand held by one person. No sticks. Signs must be 3 feet by 2 feet at most. No musical instruments, banners, or flags. We can have these things before and after just not while on the bridge.
8:30 Park at Battery Park gravel (free) parking lot on the southeast side of the bridge at Lincoln St. Shuttles will be running across the bridge until 9:15am.
9:30 We will gather at North Vista Point on the Marin County side of the bridge in front of the flagpole. Parking here is free up to four hours, and there are public restrooms. This lot is accessible only from northbound US 101.
9:50 Move towards the Bridge.
10am Begin walking.
If you are eager to do more you can join fellow march participants who will go on to protest along the torch route - Click here to see the schedule.
Sponsored by the US Campaign for Burma (USCB), Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF), Burmese American Democratic Alliance (BADA), International Burmese Monks Organization Inc. (Sasana Moli), Burmese Youth Association (BYA), 8-8-08 for Burma, BFUU Social Justice Committee and Global Exchange (GX).
Support 1991 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Aung San Suu Kyi and the struggle for freedom and democracy in Burma.
Labels: Actions
Friday, 4 April 2008
Junta’s Way Of Persuading Yes Voters
Original Source : Arzarni Blog
Comments by Goldie Shwe
It is not often that a minister of junta’s government is bothered to meet some people who are not going to be crucial in his promotion or prolonging of his dear post.
So when the owners and responsible personnel from the timber industry, Hlaing Tharyar, Rangoon were summoned to meet the Minister of Forestry on 1st April 2008, it is not so difficult to imagine the anxiety and curiosity they must be feeling. “Did we do something wrong?” “No, it can’t be. Any wrong doing with junta wouldn’t have the honour of meeting the local authority, let alone the minister.” “But then, why did he want to see us? Are we important to him ?
Yes, guys, you are quite important to him. Why ? Because he wants you, all your employees and staff from your factories to vote ‘yes’ in the forthcoming referendum.
The minister, most kindly, even explained why they should vote ‘yes’ :
-If you vote ‘yes’, then the ruling power will be handed over to the civilian government (what he meant was that the generals will remove their stiff military uniforms and put on the civilian outfits instead)
-If you vote ‘No’, then the present military junta will still rule the country (they will not discard their military uniforms)
-There is absolutely no intention of handing over the power to any other organization (now you are talking, minister!)
-The junta will be rewriting another brand new constitution again, no matter how long it takes (it took 18 years for the current one )
-If the public is unhappy and try to protest, the junta will use all possible methods to crush them (at last, the junta is telling the truth. Ban Ki Moon may want to have a look into this, before he sends Gambari to Burma again)
Finally, the minister concluded the meeting with this message, “By the way, I was ordered to tell you all this by my superiors” !
Labels: Article, Comment, Discussion
Olympic Torch Protest London 6th April
Dear friend
This Sunday protest against China’s support for the Burmese regime as the Olympic Torch comes to London:
Date: This Sunday - 6th April
Time: 12:30-1:30
Location: Opposite Downing Street, at junction of Whitehall and Richmond Terrace, Map: http://tinyurl.com/yv54pt
Nearest Tube: Westminster
See the location here
On Sunday the Burma Campaign UK and the Burmese community will be highlighting China’s continued support for Burma’s brutal regime by holding
a peaceful protest as the Olympic Torch comes to London.
Why China?
China arms the regime, supplying weapons, bullets and military vehicles to the brutal army.
China finances the regime , by signing deals in the oil, gas, hydro-electric and mining sectors china provides the regime with an economic lifeline.
China protects the regime by blocking UN Security Council action on Burma
By providing economic, political and logistical support China is helping to keep the brutal generals in power in Burma.
Join us this Sunday at 12:30. The torch only passes once so make sure you get there on time!
See the location here.
All the best and thanks for your support.
Anna Roberts
The Burma Campaign UK
Labels: Actions
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Time To Reclaim “Blood Debt” – Vote “NO”
2 April 2008
Original Source : Golden Colour Revolution
Translation by Nay Chi U
In Rangoon, groups of young people were reported to be distributing leaflets containing an exhortation to vote “No” in the junta’s referendum in May.
Some areas in Rangoon, including Burma Pharmaceutical Institution, Institute of Technology, leisure parks and gardens saw the flyers appearing during the evenings and early mornings. “The Best Fertilizers”, a group, who claimed to be responsible for the action, said they managed to distribute an estimated 1000 leaflets.
The message on the leaflets reads, “You killed the monks who we deeply value and respect. You washed your feet with the blood of your own citizens. You also killed the students – the offspring of the citizens. We are going to show the world how intensely we hate and execrate you. ‘No’ vote is our weapon. We have 50 million people.”
“It is time for everyone to join hands.”
“Let us march to the polling station.”
“This is the chance for revenge”
“To reclaim our ‘blood debt’ – Vote NO”
U Ain Da, the spokesman for “The Best Fertilizers” said,” We are just exhorting the public to vote ‘No’. The reason? The junta’s draft constitution is just the reinforcement and confirmation of the long term future of the junta. It is nothing to do with the development of the country or improving the lives of the public. To expose this evil and transparent deception, the public must vote ‘No’. The world must recognise that they are nothing but a hated illegal government.”
According to the distributors, some people read them, some passed them on while some were too scared to read.
“The Best Fertilizers” organization, which consists of active youths, students, young monks and civilians, announces that they are resolute to make sacrifices on behalf of the public.
Labels: Actions Reports