အ ထက္ ပါအၾကမ္းဖက္မႈတြင္ အဓိက အမိန္႔ေပးညႊန္ၾကားသူမွာ
စကခ (၄) မွ (ၾကည္း/၁၅၉၂၇) ဗိုလ္မွဴးခ်ဳပ္ ျမင့္ေနာင္ (ယခု) တုိက္ခိုက္ေရးေက်ာင္းအုပ္(ဘုရင့္ေနာင္)
ခမရ (၇၀၃) မွ (ၾကည္း/၂၀၈၁၈) ဒုဗိုလ္မွဴးႀကီး စိုးတင့္ႏိုင္ (ယခု) ေတာင္ငူ (စရဖ) (G1)စစ္ဦးစီးအရာရွိ (ပ)
(ၾကည္း/၂၀၆၁၇) ဗိုလ္မွဴးေရႊ၀င္း တုိ႔ ျဖစ္သည္။
လက္ေစခံ လူသတ္ ဒျမ မ်ားမွာ
အကူရဲေဘာ္ ခင္ေဇာ္ဦး
အမွတ္ (၄) စစ္ဆင္ေရးကြပ္ကဲမႈဌာနခ်ဳပ္ စကခ (၄) လက္ေအာက္ခံ ခမရ(၇၀၃)၊ (၇၀၉)
အမွတ္ (၈) ရဲတပ္ရင္းမွ ရဲတပ္သား ၁၀၀ ေက်ာ္ တုိ႔ ျဖစ္သည္။
Monk Killers and Monastery Robbers
Bahtoo, September 25, 2008
It is reported that the Light Infantry 703 was one of the troops which attacked and crushed the Ngwe Kyar Yan Monastery in South Okala, Rangoon during the Golden Colour Revolution in September 2007. Deputy Battalion Commander Major Shwe Win and his soldier Khin Zaw Oo looted gold worth about 4 million Kyats, donated to the monastery by the public. Suspicions were raised when Khin Zaw Oo, a lowly soldier, bought a plot in Myine Tharyar village.
All the resident monks of Ngwe Kyar Yan Monastery were either beaten to death, tortured or imprisoned when it was attacked by Light Infantry groups 703 and 709 (both under No. 4 Military Operation Control Headquarters) and also over 100 police from No. 8 Police Force.
On 27 September, the angry citizens, who heard the screaming and shouting at night and also saw the monastery buildings covered in blood, and littered with broken glass and furniture, were staging a protest against the troops’ terrorism. In response to the protest, the troops were ordered to crush the protesters and 3 people were shot dead.
According to reports, Khin Zaw Oo was forced to resell the plot and the money was divided between the Battalion Commander and his deputy. The Battalion Commander Colonel Soe Tint Naing has since been promoted to First General Staff (G1) at Taungoo (sa ya pa)
The military officials, who gave the orders to terrorize Ngwe Kyar Yan Monastery are:
• Myint Naung (Brigadier General, and currently Head of the Bayint Naung Military School)
• Soe Tint Naing (Colonel)
• Shwe Win (Major)
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
ေငြၾကာယံ လူသတ္ ဒျမ မ်ား
Labels: Action
Friday, 26 September 2008
How Than Shwe’s Daughter Wedding Is Linked To A Family Massacre
(Original source : Aung Chan, Golden Colour Revolution)
Rumours of how the family of Burma’s Supreme General Than Shwe is directly linked to the massacre of wealthy gem dealer’s family are spreading like tidal waves. This incredible piece of information was incubated within the close circle of the military élite and the Department of Home Affairs .
Obviously, that enormous diamond necklace worn by Khin Thandar Shwe, the daughter of Than Shwe in her multi-million dollar wedding, back in 2006 , was borrowed from the murdered family, who originally come from Mogok, the famous gem town. This knowledge is apparently quite well known among the top military officials, including General Maung Oo, Minister of Home Affairs and Khin Yee, a top police official. Than Shwe and family however, are still unaware that the knowledge of this is spreading like wild fire among the entire military and police forces as they pass on news through their lovers and favourite officials.
This was how it seems to have happened :
The family who owned the diamond jewellery naturally asked for its return after the wedding ceremony. This however, was repeatedly postponed by Kyine Kyine , the so-called ‘first lady’ of Burma, which suggests that she fancied owning them herself. The owner family naturally did not want to lose their family heirloom, and was determined to get it back. Kyine Kyine was furious. How dare some ordinary people think they can issue orders to me, the ‘first lady’ and wife of the Generalissimo? The Queen Bee then decided that she had had enough harrassment, and hired professional killers including one Wa tribal person and four Thais to murder the Mogok family with weapons organized by Than Shwe’s son.
Kyine Kyine seemed to have forgotten that every telephone conversation in Burma is ‘bugged’. Or perhaps she did not think that she needs to worry about the Military Intelligence in Burma, as she is the Queen Bee.
Both General Maung Oo and Khin Ye, who knew the entire story, are most reluctant to handle this murder case and for the safety of their own lives, they had
informed General Maung Aye and some foreign diplomats.
General Myint Swe, General Tin Aung Myint Oo and General Shwe Mann were also known of the case but despite the bravery medals proudly displayed on their chests, seem to have decided to keep their mouth shut, in case they should get suffocated by Kyine Kyine’s skirt. (women’s skirt or longyi is regarded as lowering the men’s power in Burma).
As the twists and turns of this gruesome murder case is beginning to unfold, observers are keenly watching the fate of General Maung Oo and Khin Ye.
Related news : http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0WDQ/is_/ai_n24929220
Labels: Translation
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
နအဖ မယား ေလာ ၿပည့္တန္ဆာ ေလာ Junta Wives Or Prostitutes Who Sleep With Criminals ?
နအဖဆိုတာ ျပည္သူကို သတ္ျဖတ္၊ ဓျမတိုက္၊ မုဒိန္းက်င့္၊ တိုင္းျပည္ဘ႑ာေတာ္ကို ခိုးစိုးသံုးစားေနတဲ့ လူယုတ္မာ ရာဇဝတ္ေကာင္မ်ားရဲ့ အသင္းအဖြဲ့ သာလ်င္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
သူတို့ရဲ့ ယုတ္မာမွုမ်ားကို တေလာကလံုး သိေနေတာ့ ကိုယ္ကက်ဴး ကိုယ့္ဒူးေတာင္ မယုံရဲ၊ ပူပင္ေသာကဖုံးလြႇမ္းျပီး၊ အိမ္သာတက္ ရင္ေတာင္မွ လက္နက္ကိုင္က်ြန္ ၅ ေယာက္ေစာင့္ မွသာလ်င္ မစင္ေလးေျဖာင့္ေျဖာင့္ သြားနိုင္ႀကတဲ့ ဘဝပါ။
ခိုးရာပါ က်ိန္စာသင့္ ေနေသာ စိန္ေရြွမ်ား သီးေနေအာင္ တန္ဆာဆင္ထားတဲ့ လူယုတ္မာ မယားမ်ား၊ သမီးမ်ား တို့ရဲ့ က်ီးကန္းေတာင္းေမွုက္ စိတ္နွလုံးေျခာက္ျခားေနတဲ့ မ်က္နွာေသမ်ားကို ျမင္ေတြ့တိုင္း က်မေတာ့ျဖင့္ မရွိရင္လဲ ဆားနဲ့သာစားျပီး ေသပါရေစလို့ဆုေတာင္းမိပါတယ္။
ရာဇဝတ္ေကာင္မယား ျဖစ္မဲ့အစား ၿပည့္တန္ဆာ လုပ္စားျခင္းကပင္လ်င္ ရုိးသားျမင့္ျမတ္ ပါေသး၏္ တကား ဟုလဲ အသိတရား ရရွိမိ ပါတယ္။
Labels: ီOpinion
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
ႏိုင္ငံႀကီး (၇) ႏိုင္ငံသို ့ အေရးေပၚစာမ်ား အလွ်င္အျမန္ေပးပို ့ေပးပါရန္ အထူးတိုက္တြန္း ေမတၱာရပ္ခံျခင္း။
ႏိုင္ငံႀကီး (၇) ႏိုင္ငံသို ့ အေရးေပၚစာမ်ား အလွ်င္အျမန္ေပးပို ့ေပးပါရန္ အထူးတိုက္တြန္း ေမတၱာရပ္ခံျခင္း။
Your Immediate Action Is Urgently Needed
Dear Friends
In order to remove Burmese Junta from the United Nations, we urgently need you to sign and send emails or faxes to the following 7 nations. Please help people of Burma by sending the letters from each link, within 48 hours. The email addresses are at the bottom of each letter.
Yours Sincerely
(Original Source : Niknayman’s Blog)
မိတ္ေဆြတို ့ - နအဖအား ကုလသမဂၢမွ ဖယ္ရွားႏိုင္ေရးအတြက္ ယခုေဖၚျပပါ ႏိုင္ငံ (၇) ႏိုင္ငံသို ့ ပူးတြဲပါ စာမ်ားအား (၄၈) နာရီအတြင္း လက္မွတ္ေရးထိုးျပီး ဖက္(စ္) (သို ့) အီးေမးလ္မ်ားျဖင့္္ အျမန္ေပးပို ့ ကူညီေပးႀကပါရန္ အေရးေပၚ ေမတၱာရပ္ခံ တိုက္တြန္းအပ္ပါသည္။ စာမ်ားအား ေအာက္ေဖၚျပပါ လင့္ခ္မ်ားတြင္ တစ္ခုခ်င္းစီ ေဒါင္းလုပ္ပါရန္။
ကိုနစ္ေနမန္း ဘေလာ့ဂ္ မွ ရယူပါသည္။
Labels: Action
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Feeling For Burma , Inspired By Lord Of The Dance
A year ago, in September 2007, I was in a suicidal state as news of protesting people, led by monks on the streets was in headlines, knowing they would be brutally crush down by the junta, military government of Burma. Sure enough, despite the international pleading to spare thousands of lives, the junta went on to arrest, torture and kill as many as they could.
The world watched in horror as tortured bodies of monks floating in the rivers were reported. Burma, an official Buddhist country has become religiously most infamous among the human societies – a country where so-called Buddhists of the ruling junta kill their own countrymen and Buddhist Monks.
The reality hit and the horror and anger become guilt and shame, that we could not save our monks : the monks, who possess nothing; the monks, who only ate the food that people donate daily ; the monks, who taught us to live a peaceful life ; the monks, who went to the streets to tell the military government that the citizens of Burma are starving. And we failed to protect them.
One year on, the guilt and shame have become a foreboding, especially as we approach September again. Then, by pure chance, I came across with Lord of the Dance, a hymn composed by Sydney Carter. I am perfectly aware that it was meant to be for Jesus Christ but I was awed by the striking similarity of the way in which he died, to the fate of our Buddhist monks, especially the part
"They whipped and they stripped,
And they hung me on high,
And they left me there
On a Cross to die”.
Sydney Carter wrote..."I see Christ as the incarnation of the piper who is calling us. He dances that shape and pattern which is at the heart of our reality. By Christ I mean not only Jesus; in other times and places, other planets, there may be other Lords of the Dance. But Jesus is the one I know of first and best. I sing of the dancing pattern in the life and words of Jesus. (From Green Print for Song, Stainer & Bell (1974) )
It is therefore not necessary to compare Jesus directly with our own Buddhist monks but I feel strength and courage by reading this hymn. The last two verses are the most evocative:
“I danced on a Friday
When the sky turned black -
It's hard to dance
With the devil on your back.
They buried my body
And they thought I'd gone,
But I am the Dance, and I still go on”
“They cut me down
And I leapt up high;
I am the life
That'll never, never die;
I'll live in you
If you'll live in me -
I am the Lord
Of the Dance, said he!”
Yes, the devil is still on our backs but we must keep on dancing, however hard it is.
Suddenly I understand the way Sydney Carter coped with the death of Jesus.
Yes, Jesus was killed in a cruellest way but he would not be crying, weak and negative on that account. Instead, he was strong, positive and optimistic. He converted all his sadness and horror into tremendous courage and strength. By composing all the courageous lyrics into a most cheerful tune, he strongly challenged the evils and devils who killed Jesus.
Being brought up as a Buddhist, I tend to seek peace and calm, which means appearing timid and avoiding confrontation, and sometimes it seems to invite others to walk all over me. Worst of all I have developed a bad habit of focussing on the suffering and grief :
Monks suffer... monks suffer.... monks suffer....
We are sad .....we are said .... we are sad ....
We failed ....we failed ....... we failed....
Life is bad ..... life is bad ..... life is bad....
But the more timid, miserable, negative, and pessimistic the Burmese people are, the happier and more confident the evil junta becomes. For this reason alone, I refuse to dwell on my misery and suffering.
Yes, the monks and many citizens of Burma were brutally killed by the evil junta but I will not be crying and feeling sorry for them and myself for the rest of my life. Just like Sydney Carter, I will no longer be crying over our losses and failures but would march on and fight on. I would march on and fight on until Burma achieves freedom and democracy. In order to do this I will continue to attack the junta, SPDC military government of Burma in the best way that I can, so that there will be no peace for them.
On this first anniversary of the Golden Colour Revolution, I remember and give respect to all the monks and heroes who gave up their lives for others, for their humanity, dignity, and courage: we will all “live in them…” and they will all “…leap up high and .. never,never die!”
Goldie Shwe
To read and listen to the hymn 'Lord of the Dance' please visit http://www.stainer.co.uk/lotd.html
Labels: Action, Discussion, Heroes
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Friday, 5 September 2008
မင္း ႏွဳတ္ဆိတ္ေလ..လူယုတ္မာမ်ား..အပါး၀ေလ..
The quieter and more subservient you are, the louder and more confident the bullies become. (Ma Thadar)
မေသခ်င္ တိတ္တိတ္ ..
မင္း ႏွဳတ္ဆိတ္ေလေလ..
ခေလးသူေတာင္းစား။ စစ္သားျဖစ္သြားေလေလ
ျပည္တန္ဆာမ်ား မ်ားလာေလေလ။။ more...
Labels: Actions
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Who Is Daw Cherry ? ေဒၚ ခ်ယ္ ရီ ကို သိ ႀက ပါ သ လား ?
Do you know anyone called Daw Cherry ?
Contrary to her unusually short and simple name for a Burmese, she is quite far from being an ordinary housewife. She is married to one of the elite members of the military top officials.
According to the DVB news, her husband is the newly appointed Commander Brigadier General Aung Than Htut of Northeast Command. And she will not be staying home and unpacking her household items from boxes like most wives would be doing after moving houses. Instead, she will be blessing the local Maternal and Child Healthcare Association with her appearance.
My guess is that she is some kind of medical profession. She must be either a Pediatrician or a Gynaecologist as she felt the importance of her contribution to the local association with her skills and talents, so soon after the arrival at the new place.
Or she might be just a genuine born-to-serve kind of person, who would just like to see if there is any little help that she can contribute, for example collecting some donations from other Generals wives, who have better income so that she can make some improvement to the collapsed healthcare system of Burma , which has a record of 400 children dying a day.
Whatever her intentions are, it is generally positive news that some wife of a Commander General is showing enough interest to inspect the local healthcare association and we should all be grateful for her effort.
However, there appeared to be a slight problem with her visit. The SPDC’s local government officials U Nyunt Han and
U Kyi Win plainly told the locals that there is no state funding for the important visit of Daw Cherry. And despite lacking in funding, the local PDC officials are still determined to welcome the honourable Daw Cherry’s important visit with the stately greetings, which include 100 flying military flags, cutting the lawn and redecorating of the halls, all have to be provided by the local residents.
And what more ? U Nyunt Han and U Kyi Win want each family to contribute K 1,500 so that the spouse of their new Commander will be offered suitable luxury such as flowers and refreshments during her blessed visit.
Obviously, the residents where Daw Cherry is visiting are struggling farm labourers, who are already involved in the scheme to provide weekly voluntary labour on castor oil plantations by the local PDC.
Does Daw Cherry realise that her visit will be a huge burden to the local people and the wives and children of the families will have to go without dinner, in order to greet her so grandly ?
Will her high profile husband Commander Aung Than Htut decide to offer his own or some military funding to pay the expenses of his beloved wife’s ‘goodwill’ visit? (should he knows how the locals suffer? - he should as he is the local commander)
Would U Nyunt Han and U Kyi Win pluck up the courage and decide to just greet the socially-minded local first lady in an ordinary friendly way, and save the families’ money for their starving mothers and babies ?
This is where your part comes in. Perhaps you know this Daw Cherry or even her husband,the Commander. There aren’t many names like Daw Cherry. Just simple , plain ‘Daw Cherry’. Someone must have gone to school with her or worked with her. Her family friend, her driver, her teacher, her colleague. Someone must know her.
Or did you attend the military university, at the same time as Aung Than Htut ? Are you his friend, his neighbour, his soldiers, his relation, who can pass on information about him ?
Please do send any information you have about Daw Cheery and Commander Aung Than Htut, as it is important that the poor babies and mothers don’t go starving. Just send some messages in the comment box. As you know, you do not have to use your real name. Just soe, aung, nwe, aye will do.
Thank you for your contribution.
Goldie Shwe
Labels: Actions