Saturday 6 October 2007

Wives And Daughters of the Junta

Life has been comfortable and luxurious for the families and friends of the junta up until now - the killing of the monks and civilians, the genocide, the raiding of the monasteries and houses, the torture - and suddendly things are becoming quite serious. The worst thing is that they have also been quite unwittingly under the spotlight, globally, thanks to the latest technology. When they all marched on that red carpet in the best outfits to attend the wedding of daughter of the junta number one Than Shwe, no one had thought that their faces will be clearly filmed and forecasted repeatedly and even becoming the most watched videos, in places like Youtube.Click here to view it. Youtube alone has 24 of the wedding clips, viewed by thousands of people, who then copied and spreaded all over the world again. GIRLS! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW? Obviously the higher ranked and probably most responsible ones have run away to hide in other countries but if you are a lowly ranked military officer you are to stay in Burma and face the consequences of the unlawful crime - killing your own country people who were unarmed. Here for the full report.And here.

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