Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Myanmar Army Terrorise Kayan Villages

Colonel Kyaw San Win (G 2, Sa Ca Kha 7)
Major Naing Oo (LIB 336)
Pair Kon

On June 18, 2009, about 40 soldiers from LIB 336 and LIB 421, led by Colonel Kyaw San Win (G 2, Sa Ca Kha 7) marched into Loi Stee and Paung Loung, villages under Nan Hee village group, East Pair Kon, and terrorising the civilians and accusing them of not reporting insurgents' activities in the area.

All the men were ordered to lie face down on the road from 8 am to 8 pm, while individuals were pulled out to be beaten up. The women and children were all locked in a house. Every house in the village was raided, any valuable items taken together with all the livestock. The shop was also raided.

When the villagers reported the incident to Nan Hee PDC Chairman U Maung Tun, he bravely went to plead with the soldiers to stop the abuse. However his bravery was rewarded by being himself tied up, hung up side down and beaten by the Myanmar soldiers. U Maung Tan, a civilian, who was accused of providing the insurgents with food, was arrested and imprisoned at the base of LIB 336. He was threatened with a life sentence.

About 18 villagers including U Maung Tun and U Maung Tan are still being detained at LIB 336, where they are being tortured as part of daily interrogation sessions.

Soldiers of the Myanmar Army terrorized the East and North Pai Kon area from 18th to the 30th June, camping in 10 villages and

restricting and controlling the civilians' movement.


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